Late Night Drive | kelsey x reader

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she/her pronouns used on reader and kelsey
you guys were never in prison, you just met normally

Your pov:

Me and kelsey are driving home from visiting her family, i haven't seen her parents since me and kelseys wedding. i didnt really talk to them, they were more focused on her though, i mean of course its their daughter and she looked gorgeous as can be, as always.

my parents said they werent coming to my wedding unless i was marrying a man. i guess i was jealous i didnt have my own parents support. kelseys mom is really nice to me though, she helped me get my hair ready and made my dress look nice.

Kelseys pov:

i look over to y/n, she seems lost in her thoughts. staring at the windowsheild, its dark and raining, y/n loved that.

i placed my left hand on her inner thigh, moving my thumb slowly back and forth. i glace at her and use my right hand to steer.

'shes so pretty' i think. "y/n" i say softly, trying to get her attention. "y/nn" i say in a sweet tone. "hm?" she says turning her head to me.

"what're you thinking about?" i ask softly. "nothing much" she replies smiling softly.

around 10 minutes go by and i hear soft snores next to me. looking over, i see y/n with her head leaned against the headrest. holding my hand softly.

i leave her be because she was really tired earlier today, we pull into the driveway. i quietly turn the car off trying not to wake up y/n.

i get out the car and walk over to y/ns side. opening the door and undoing her seltbeat. i softly lift her up, her legs immediately wrapping around my torso and her arms around my neck. her face in my neck.

i shut the door with my foot and walk up to the front door. wrapping my arm around y/ns waist securly and using my other hand to unlock the door.

walking in the house, closing and locking it. wrapping both my arms back around y/ns waist. i walk into the room and lay y/n on the bed. i walk over to our closet and turn the light on. picking out one of my graphic t shirts and her sweatpants. walking back to y/n to see her sitting up.

"you couldve just woke me up." she says tiredly.

"you seem to enjoyed it thought didnt you?"

"of course i did."

i chuckle and kiss her lips gently, "go back to sleep baby alright?" i say making sure she gets rest. "she lays down and i begin to undress her to put on the other clothes. she isnt fully asleep so she helps me by lifting her hips to pull down her jeans.

Your pov:

i love when kelsey takes care of me, even if its just changing my clothes it makes me feel loved and happy. shes told me multiple times shes has a love hate relationship ship when im sick, the love part  being because she can baby me and take care of me and the hate part is seeing me actually being sick.

kelsey makes sure what shes doing is alright, shes so sweet when it comes to touching me.

shes always

'can i do this?'
'is this alright?'
'are you okay with this?'

i love her for that.

as soon as i knew it she was laying next to me, kissing my forehead and pulling me into her. cuddling me, and lean my head up to softly place a kiss on her lips.

"i love you honey" i say softly

"i love you too baby"

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