"so are you still tired?" **

737 7 21

dom!kelsey x sub!reader
warnings: finger!reciving, strap, head!receving

your pov:

"so are you still tired?" she asks me grinning. "i mean not really anymore" i say trailing off.

"do you wanna fu-" she says "yes" i cut her off leaning down to kiss her. her hands trail up too my neck, i grind against her and she lets out a low groan

"y/n" she moans my name against my lips. she pulls on the lace of my underwear asking for permission "can i?" she asks "yes" i say and she slides my underwear off, picking me up and placing me on the bed.

she takes off her clothes so now shes only in her bra and underwear. she opens the bedside table drawer and oulls out the solid black strap. she puts the 8 inch silicon strap on and aligns it with my entrance. "kelsey please" i say desperately. "so needy huh baby?" she says inserting the tip of the plastic dick into my dripping vagina.

"kelsey.." i moan quietly dispite our child is literally sleeping in the other room.

"yes princess?" she says as she inserts the entire thing in. i throw my head back as she starts too thrust in and out. "oh fuck!" i moan again as she hits my g-spot

"right there baby" i say and my hand goes up too her hair pulling on it slightly.

"baby im gonna cum im gonna" i get cut off by my orgasm and my back arches. "kelsey" i moan her name. "good girl"

"please" i say "please what?" she asks "more" i say and shes takes off the strap, finding sone random towel on the ground and cleaning it, putting it back in the drawer.

she gets closer and kneels down, putting my legs over her shoulders. she holds my hips down and starts too eat me out. gliding her tongue along my clit. i rub her scalp in pleasure and throw my head back. she pulls away and inserts her two fingers middle fingers into my vagina and she uses her thumb too rub circles on my clit. she removes her thumb and starts too eat me out again, so now shes fingering and going down on me. "kelsey oh fuck.. oh my god" i say pulling her hair back so it doesnt get in the way.

i orgasm once again and she pulls away. "you look so pretty all fucked out" she says.

"cmon let me clean you up" she says walking too the bathroom and getting a damp washcloth, cleaning my previous orgasm.

its now 11:34 AM, kelseys putting my clothes back on me and im just thinking about how fucking lucky i am too have her.

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