public sex || kelsey HC/IMAGINE

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- you guys are married btw
- you guys where visting her family
- you guys got in the pool with her little neices and nephews
- she got so horny looking at you in your bathing suit
- 2 hours into swimming she got very touchy and you could tell she was horny
- "guys me and y/n are gonna get out"
- they literally where begging yall to not go
- "i know youll miss your favourite super cool aunts but we need to do something real quick, alright? we're gonna come back in like 20 minutes."

in the house:
- "hey you guys done swimming?" her aunt asks
- "for now, we just gotta do something real quick"
- her aunt watch her grab your hand and speed walk to the bathroom
- "i fucking needed you so bad" she says through kissing your neck with her hands placed on your bare waist

okay this is gonna turn into an short imagine

"i fucking needed you so bad" she says through kisses as she places her hands on my waist
"kelsey.." i moan and attach my hand to her hair, resting my head against her damp shoulder.
"you alright?" she questioned. "mhm yeah" i say and see continues

she sticks her hand down my wet-ish bathing suit bottoms (with consent ofc) and starts rubbing circles on my clit.

i throw my head back as she's watching me tremble in front of her. "kelsey.. oh!" i moan quietly as she inserts her fingers inside me.

anways, after around 25 min go by she gives you kisses on your face gently as aftercare, considering you guys are in public you cant do your normal aftercare routine.

we hear from outside the door and in the living room, "Aunt Kelsey and Aunt Y/n fucking lied to us!" the 13 year old said.

"dude were right here" i say and kelseys walking beside me holding my hand.

"well come on then!" he says running back outside

im bending down to get one of the water toys that got thrown out and i feel a figure behind me, i feel a hand on my ass. "kelsey we are literally infront of like 6 children" i say

"oh cmon they werent looking!" she says and i stand up and turn to her. she places her hands on my waist.

"no more sex until we get home ok..?" i whisper at her


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