parents | bella x reader

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okay so yalls kid is two years old and you and bella are 21

im just now getting home from work, i did 6 hours worth of scenes its around 9:34 pm so im pretty tired.

im unlocking the door and i get in, i look around and find bella sleeping on the couch and our daughter, eden, sleeping on top of them.

i smiled too myself and walked over too them. i kneeled down and tucked a piece of loose hair behind bellas ear. "bella" i said softly not wanted to wake up eden because shes really hard to get to sleep.

"baby" i whisper and they slowly open their eyes, "hi baby" i whisper again smiling. they smile once they realized who i was.

"hi y/n" they say sleepily. "you want me too take her?" i ask softly. "yes please" they replied. "alright" i pick eden up slowly and carry her too her bedroom, placing her on her small toddler bed. kissing her head and pulling the covers on her.

i walk over too her dresser and turn her sound machine, it played wave nosies. i walked out into the living room and sat next too bella. "you ok?" i ask them softly and they hum in response. hugging my waist. "cmon baby lets go to bed" i say and we get up.

they sit on the bed and i walk over too my closet, getting my sweatpants and walking out. pulling my jeans down, slipping my sweatpants on and taking my shirt off. leaving my black bra (or whatever you wear for undergarments i dont judge)

walking over too me and bellas bed, laying down  on my side and them immediately hugging my waist and cuddling me, their head resting on my chest.

i put the white covers over us, i hug bella and gently comb my fingers through their hair."i love you" i say softly and fairly quiet. "i love you too"  they mumble into my chest.

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