kelsey x reader *

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domkelsey x sub!reader
you and kelsey are still in prison and you fuck without anyone knowing



kelsey pushes me up against the white brick wall, the same wall with the cell door on it so nobody can see anything that's happening in the cell. and kisses me harshly. i place my hands on ethier side of her face, deepening the kiss. her hands trail down to my hips. still making out with me.

her hand moves to my center, pulling away from the kiss for breath. "kelsey" i moan quietly and she hums in response. her fingers run over my clothed slit.

she starts to rub me through the grey cloth. pulling away and sticking her hand down my shorts. starting too move her two fingers at a rapid pace. "fuck" i breathily and quietly moan.

"im close just dont stop fuck dont stop" i say softly. "im gonna cum fuck im gonna cum." i moan quietly.

"cum for me baby" kelsey says not caring about the volume of her voice is. i do exactly what she says and i cum. letting out a quiet groan.

"thats it. thats my girl. ride it out babe" she says and my head falls into her shoulder and i let out a muffled moan into her jacket. "good girl" she says pulling her hand out and fixing my shorts for me.

i pull away from her shoulder and look at her eyes, leaning in for a gentle kiss in which she returns.

we pull away, "you alright?" she asks me. "yeah im okay." i reply.

"i love you." she says softly, suprising me considering shes never said that before.

"i love you too kelsey.."

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