baby pictures | bella x reader

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warnings: implied femininity, sensitive!reader

me and bella were sitting on the bed looking through our old baby photobooks. i came across a picture of me laying on the ground with this red dinosaur shirt on, with a cheesy smile.

"baby look" i say turning the book around to show them. "hm? aww" they smile.

"i was such an ugly toddler holy shit.. see you were so cute, but you look at my pictures and its like a five nights at freddys vhs tape jumpscare." i chuckle.

"noo honey you were cute dont say that" they smile. "mhm yea sure" i say flipping the page. "god i just hate how girly my mom dressed me." i say looking at a photo of me with a obnoxious flower headband and pink tutu.

i look at the picture in absolute disgust. i look over to bellas and see how they got dressed when they were younger, they actually looked like themselves. i saw how they saw their older self in their younger self.

i shut the book with slight force. moving it to the side. and lying down on the bed. "whats wrong y/n?" they ask.

"nothing i just hate how fucking girly my mom used to dress me." i say now lying on my side. "what do mean." they ask, scooting towards me, allowing me to lay my head on their lap.

"its just obnoxious amounts of pink and flowers and shit. i dont even recognize myself." i say. "im sorry honey.." they say combing their fingers through my hair. "its not your fault. its just how i can genuinely only recognize myself in maybe one picture." i say, laying in between their legs and resting my head on their lower stomach.

"well, im sure my mom has plenty of baby pictures of you not wearing pink and flowers," they say. "does she or are you just trying to make me feel better?" i chuckle.

"i dont know maybe like two, but i know they exist because ive seen them. and you look exactly like adam sandlers child." they giggle.

"alright fine." i say leaning up and kissing their lips.

Pictures Of You - Bella Ramsey OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now