Novacane | kelsey x reader

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i can promise you i have no idea what novacane is i just found a song on my playlist and went w it. (frank ocean)

warnings: strap use, backshots, sub!kelsey x dom!reader, very little foreplay, hair pulling

requested by sw1ftsfilms

kelseys pov:

i am in complete euphoria at the moment. y/ns teasing me with her fingers covered in my slick that was caused by her within 5 minutes. i even shaved for her... which she doesnt care if i do or not it just felt more comfortable to do so

your pov:

"ds'that feel good pretty girl?" i say rubbing on her clit. "mhmm.." she hums. "babygirl you gotta use your words"

"yes.." she whimpers "good girl" i pull away and salk over to my drawer. pulling out my strap, which is transparent and about 8 inches long. i walk back over to kelsey and put it on over my boxers, pulling down her panties with full permission.

i admire her heat, "so fucking pretty." i mumble making her blush a small bit.

"can you lay on your stomach honey?" i ask her, rubbing my fingers against her hips.

she nods and rolls over now on her stomach. softly chuckling at the thought of me seeing her like this.

shes so hot... i genuinely have to contain myself not to moan whenever i see her tramp stamp because its just so fucking attractive.

she props herself up on her elbows, propping her ass up. i place my hands on her hips. aligning the tip with her entrance. slowly sliding it in. she gasps softly at it hitting her g-spot.

i start to thrust in and out at a slow pace. "baby go faster.."

i do what she says. going faster. pounding into her wet cunt. holding her hips. and hearing her moans is enough to make me cum.

"y/nn.." she whimpers. "hm baby? that feel good?" i ask. "Fuck!" she moans loudly. i hear her whimpers and moans just practically begging for more.

i grab the bun in her hair, slightly tugging at it. she lets out a loud moan as i pound into her, i grip the flesh on her ass with my left hand. moving my right from her hair to hold her hand behind her. she uses her arm to hold herself up and drop her head down,

"does that feel good princess?" i ask pounding into her cunt. "y-yeah" she stumbles her words. "im gonna cum" she whimpers.

"go ahead baby.." i groan. throwing my head back.
she cums, letting out a fairly loud moan.

i pull out and she drops and rolls over on her back again. breathing very hard. "you okay?" i ask and she nods. "im gonna go clean you and this up yea?" i tell her. "okay.."

i place a short small kiss on her lips. walking into the bathroom to wash the strap, walking back into our bedroom with a small washcloth to clean kelsey up.

i put the strap back into the drawer and walk over to her. cleaning her up and putting a different pair of clothes and undergarments on her.

i sit down next to her and she sits up and wraps her arms around my neck. kissing my cheek. i lay us down and turn off the lamp on the nightstand. laying a blanket over us as i stroke kelseys hair. lulling her to sleep as she lays next to me. cuddling my side with her face in my neck.

"i love you kels"

"i love you too y/n/n.." she says falling asleep

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