me and your mama | kelsey x reader

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warnings: SPIT KINK, small LEGAL age gap (18 + 20), dom!kelsey, sub!reader, MOMMY KINK, strap use!receiving, head!receiving, HAIR PULLING KINK, petnames (babygirl, baby, babe, good girl), kelsey blowing ur back out 🗣️🗣️

disclaimer: i just wanna say that me making kelsey smut has no correlation with bella themselves. kelsey has a child so its very obvious that shes had sex b4. i will never write smut about bella or real people lmao

ages: you (18) | kelsey (20)

song: me and your mama - childish gambino

taglist: sw1ftsfilms st4rlightf1lms

kelsey holds me on her lap as she sucks hickies on my collarbone, she holds her hands on the bare flesh underneath my shirt.

"kels.." i quietly moan, only for my needs to get ignored. she carefully switches our position. i lie down on the bed under her gaze submissively looking up into her dominant dark brown eyes. "kelsey"

"yes baby?" oh her beautiful but hot voice making me wanna just give into everything at this given moment
"what do you need babygirl?" "cmon kels you know what i want.." i say, needy for her touch.


"mm'fuck kelsey right there!" i moan as she goes down on me. her tounge circling my clit, her two middle fingers deep inside me.

"it feels so good kels.." i whimper. "i know babygirl i know.." she says looking up at me. my body begins to shudder at the pleasure. she pulls away, i lift my head up to look down and see her spitting on my cunt. i drop my head back down. she sucks on my clit and curls her fingers inside me, hitting my g-spot everytime.

i feel my high reaching and i tug on her hair. she sucks my clit harder and harder until i finally reach my high. releasing with a loud, pornographic moan as i pull on her hair, my back slightly aching.

"im not done with you yet baby. flip over." she says and i obey. flipping over, ass up. i feel her hand harshly connect with my flesh. "kelsey.."

"nuh uh.. its not kelsey.. say my name babe." she demands. "mommy..." i say into the pillow, quite embarrassed but i know ill get praised for it, "good girl."

once kelsey was finish putting her strap on she aligned it with my sopping entrance. slowly push the tip in.
"oh fuck.." i moan.

she slowly pushes the whole length in. the silicon rubs against my walls. "oh fuck..." i moan a bit louder. she begans to thrust in and out. creating a pleasurable rhythm. her skin slapping against mine as she grips onto my waist.

"kel-fuck.. mommy.." i moan. i swear, once this woman puts her hands on me all my self respect leaves my body. "thats it.." she says, still thrusting roughly into me. my legs began to quiver as a reach my high.

i reach underneath my body to rub my clit but she pulls both hands behind my back. "fuck.. doing so good for mommy.." she says. "mommy please im gonna cum.." "dont cum until i say so." she demands. i nod my head against the pillow trying not to release. "fuck baby.." she whimpers. "cum now."

i release onto her strap while i let out a moan. "thats it.. thats my girl.." she whispers. letting go of my hands and pulling out once she knows ive fully finished.

i triedly roll onto my back, looking at her tired eyed. i try to regain my breaths as she takes off the strap and leans down to kiss my forehead.

"you did so good babygirl." she praises. "thank you.."


after me and kelsey were cleaned up she cuddled me to sleep. giving me occasional kisses, running her slim fingers through my hair. her pink painted nails sctraching my head. lulling me into a deep sleep.

"i love you baby." is the last thing i hear before drifting into a peaceful rest with the girl i love most.

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