parents | kelsey x reader

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just a little part two of my recent post, i liked it alot so yeah. every thing is the same eden is 2 and you guys are 21. its starts off in the morning as the last one left off at you guys sleeping
execpt its kelsey x reader bc i like her alot
backstory: got out of prison 4 years ago, had a kid

I wake up to my girlfriend with her face in my chest

"kelsey" i whisper. she hums in response "cmon baby we gotta get up its already" i look a the ditgtal clock on my bedside table "9:34" i finish.

"i dont want too" she says and she hugs my waist tighter, she gets extremely clingy in thr morning.  "come onn" i say and she deattaches her face from my chest.

i get up and kelsey decides too grab onto my hand. "kels" i say and she hums in response. letting go of my hand.

i walk into the bathroom and turn on the sink. i get some water on my face and feel arms wrap around my waist. i smile and dry my face, turning around too meet with my girlfriends eyes "so pretty" she says and kisses my lips softly. placing her hands on my hips, deepening the kiss.

its now around 8pm and im at a record store to see if they have "chemtrails over the country club" ive loved Lana since 2013 so finding this album meant alot.

i finally found it, i bought it and went home. eden should be sleeping right now.

im unlocking my door, the whole house is silent, all the lights are off and the only light is the natural  light coming from the windows. nobodys in the living room so i check me and kelseys room

i see eden and her sleeping on the bed, eden laying on her back and kelseys hand on edens stomach, making sure she doesnt fall off the bed. i walk around too the side where kelseys on and i kiss her temple. "y/n?" she asks tiredly. "mhm?" she sits up and smiles. her legs dangling off the bed and her wrapping her arms around me trying to pull me on the bed. "hold on let me put eden in her room." i say letting go of her and picking up eden.

i place her in her bed and pull the covers over her. walking out and going into me and kelseys room. i shut the door i take off my shoes, socks and basically everything i was wearing besides my bra and underwear. i sit on the bed and kelsey pulls me on top of her, she places her hands on my waist.

"so are you still tired?" she asks me grinning

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