overworked | bella x reader

470 12 14

warnings: kissing, petnames (babe, baby, honey, love, sweetheart)


bella came home today with so much stress and just pain

"y/n i cant go to bed yet i have to film a self tape, i have to answer these emails and i just have so much stuff to do" bella says. "bella im aware that you have alot of stuff to do buts its 12am." i say.

"baby please just go to bed without me yeah? ill be there in like half an hour." they say, standing up to kiss me goodnight. they place their hands on my waist, leaning in to kiss me but then i unintentionally turn my head slightly. causing bella to kiss the side of my mouth. "y/n come on."

i quickly kiss them and walk out of their touch.

its now around 2am and bella still isnt in bed, i hear muffled talking coming from the living room. i dont say anything cause they are probably filming their self tape.

i turn around and turn the lamp on my nightstand off. the room going pitch black. i feel myself start to pout and feel like im about to start crying, i just miss my partner thats all.

i slowly feel myself about to fall asleep. i hear the door slowly close. bella thinking im still sleeping, they walk over to their side of the bed, getting under the covers.

i scoot closer to them and cuddle them, wrapping my arms around their neck and theirs going around my waist.

"where you crying love?" they ask and i nod yes. "honeyy..."

"bella i missed you"

"i was just in the other room sweetheart you couldve came out" they run their hand up and down my back.

"i didnt want to bother you"

"how could you bother me?" they ask and i shrug. "i love you babe." they say kissing my lips. "i love you too"

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