stomach hurts | k.m

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warnings: miscarriage, theres slight smut (youll understand when you read it), throwing up, cursing


kelseys 9 weeks pregnant with our second baby, shes very excited. she really wants a girl so daniel can have a little sister. shes so happy. shes already looking at baby clothes.

"y/n my stomach hurts really bad" kelsey says. "i mean you are pregnant babe" i reply.

"i know but i didnt get these pains when i was pregnant with daniel" she says. "do you wanna take something for it?" she nods. i get off the couch, passing daniel whos playing with his toys.

i walk to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen and grab the pain meds. i shake one out the bottle and get water for her.

when im done filling up the cup i walk back to the living room. i sit next to kelsey and give her the cup. she grabs the pill from my hand and puts it in her mouth. taking a drink from the water cup and swallowing, she places the cup on the side table.

"thank you y/n" she says. "mhm" i hum, sitting next to her and facing her. "i feel and i look like shit" she says "im sorry you feel like shit baby. and no you dont you look gorgeous."

"thank you" she leans into me to hug me. i rub her back as she hugs me. "it feels like period cramps but it cant be-" she says. "its okay honey, its just apart of the pregnancy, every baby is different." i tell her and she nods.

later that night after i put daniel to bed me and kelsey wanted to have sex. kelsey was moody and horny and i was also in the mood so we did.

kelsey felt a bit insecure so she left her bra on, i just had my shirt on.

when i was grinding against her i realized something, theres a bit of blood on her inner thigh. its also on the bed sheets. i couldnt process if i had just started my period. theres a puddle of blood on the bed sheets. its not my blood. its kelseys.

i immediately stop, i can already feel tears coming, my breathing fastens and my hands start shaking.

is this my fault?

"whats wrong whyd you stop?" kelsey asks. "your- your bleeding kels"

her face drops. "w-what" her voice gets shaky and low. she slowly sits up her hand is shaking, she looks down at her thighs and down at the bed sheets. the blood on the white sheets made it look like a crime scene. "no no no no" she repeats. tears streaming down her face.

"no! fuck!" she cries. she quickly slides her underwear back up her legs, her hands shaking as she gets up and runs to the bathroom where she throws up. i quickly get my shorts back on and get to the bathroom where she is.

i speed walk down the hall and walk into the bathroom. quickly getting down next to kelsey whos throwing up from the sight of her dead baby. i rub her back gently. "i know babygirl i know"

kelsey backs away and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. she collapses into your arms.

"my baby is gone.." she cries. "im so sorry kelsey." i start to cry. "my baby.." she cries again. tears streaming down my face as i hold and comfort her in my arms.

"wheres daniel...? is he okay?" she struggles to breathe properly. "breathe.. breathe baby. daniels okay. hes asleep kels."

"i cant breathe-" she says. "look at me kelsey" i tilt her head up. "deep breaths." i say and demonstrate breathing in deep and exhaling, she repeats what im doing. "breathe baby-" i hug her gently. she tightly wraps her arms around my waist as where still sitting down on the cold bathroom tile ground.

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