midnight summer camp shenanigans | kelsey x reader

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warnings: strap use, fking at summer camp, first time!kelsey, first time but knows whats gonna happen!reader.

both are 17


summer camp 21' 17 years old

me and kelsey are lying down in our cabin beds. hearing the crickets chirping and wind blowing. me and kelsey have been dating for a while. nobody knows though. weve never done anything sexual, like every. weve made out a few times and changed clothes in front of eachother. like weve seen eachother naked but not sexually.

"kels? u still awake?" i whisper. "yeah" i replied. i stand up and walk over to her bed, sitting down in which she sits up, looking at me. "what do you need?"

"i just wanna kiss you yeah?" i say

"ok fine"

i lean into kiss her, it turning into a makeout session. i place my hands on her face and she places one of hers on my arm.

"y/n we cant do this here.." she says. "its okay babe no one will find out alright? do you want to do this?" i ask.

"i mean yeah but i dont wanna get caught-" she says. "whos going to catch us babe?" i ask. "i dunno... i mean its 1am and they check cabins in an hour"

"we'll be done before that sweetheart" i say. "do you want to do this?" i check, once again. "mhm"

"are you sure?" i ask. "mhmm" she nods. kissing me again.

i pin her down under my gaze, she basically melts.
"you okay love?" i ask, making her grind against my knee. "hold on babe, guess what i brought.."

"no... y/nnn" she says, "what you said you wanted to use ittt soon"

"not here!" she says. "cmon babyy" i say giggling and she tilts her head looking at me, in which i return with a grin.


"babeeeeee" i imitate her, "fine. but if anybody catches us im blaming you yeah?" she says. "deal" j say, pecking her lips and walking over to the plastic box where i have all my stuff. pulling out my solid back strap i got a few days ago before camp.

"i swear y/n if anyone catches u-"

"hey, look at me alright? nobody's gonna catch us yeah? and if they do then ill take the blame mhm? if you dont wanna do it thats completely fine yeah?" i say holding her chin making her look up at me.


"are you sure you wanna do this?" i say. "yes." she replies.

"its gonna hurt a bit at first alright baby? its gonna feel good after a bit." i explain to her, aligning the tip with her entrance.

"alright.. how bad does it hurt?" she asks, "wellll i dont really know but im assuming its kind of like putting a tampon in.. just bigger you know?" i say.

"ohhh.. okay." she says. "want me to put it in?" i ask.

"yeah go ahead" she says. i slip the tip in slowly. "ow fuck.." she says. "i know baby i know" i say. slowly pushing the rest in. she exhales, "you alright?"


i slowly thrust. "baby it hurts" she says, "i know kels, its gonna feel good in a second ok baby? i got you." i reassure her.

i see how her hurting whimpers slowly turn into pleasure whimpers. "feel good baby?" i whisper. "mhm- oh!" she moans and immediately slaps her hand over her mouth.

"go faster-" she whispers and i return, thrusting faster. placing my hand over her mouth so nobody will catch us. "y/n-"

i chuckle and thrust faster. "your doing so good babe" i praise her, watching her boobs that are being held by a grey bra go up and down.

"such a good girl" i whisper. leaning down to kiss her. uncovering my hand from her mouth i place a kiss on her lips, her struggling to kiss back.

"mm- fuck y/n!" she moans as i pull away from the kiss. placing my hand over her mouth again. "doing so good for me.." i whisper, throwing my head back.

i pull out after she came, looking down at her wet pussy, dripping from the silicone.

i slide the strap off, cleaning it and tossing it back into my box which is open. leaning down and putting her legs over my shoulders, attaching my lips to her pussy.

i kiss her clit and start to lick circles around it. reaching up to hold her hand, she squeezes it so hard, her other hand pulling at my hair and her trying not to moan. i hear her heavy breathing in replace for her moans and whimpers shes trying not to cause.

i grip her thighs as i bob mynhead up and down, trying to causing stimulation on her clit.

"dont fucking stop-" she whispers as she squeezes my hand tighter, pulling my hair and releasing her grip when she finishes.

"oh y/n..." she breathes. i pull away and leaving kisses on her right inner thigh. pulling away and kissing her lips.

"mwah i love you darling" i say in a soft voice. "i love you too baby.. that felt so good.." she says.

i chuckle. "im glad."

me and kelsey had walked to the bathroom so she could get cleaned up, as she finishes cleaning herself up i hear her speak from the stall. "fuck im bleeding.." she says.

"oh my god kelsey wait did you like start your period or are you bleeding fro-"

"i think its from that"

"wait are you okay??" i ask. "yeah im fine.. its all good now."

"okay good." i say and she walks out the stall. giving me a small smile before going over to the sink and washing her hands. its now around 1:46am. "babe we have to get back soon their about to check cabins and my strap is sitting in my open box" i say.

"im almost done its okay" she calms me down. she gets done washing her hands and takes her hand in mine. since its dark and nobodies outside we can be all lovey with eachother.

i turn her around and place a small kiss on her lips before practically running back to our cabin.

we finally get back just in time for me to shove my strap back into my backpack.

"okay lets go to bed yeah?" i say turning around to see kelsey sleeping peacefully under her covers. i smile to myself, walking up to her and kissing her temple two times before walking back to my bed to fall asleep before checkup.

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