nightmare | kelsey x reader

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warnings: nightmares (ofc), kelseys flashbacks, kelsey crying, mentions of sex, cursing, threatening



you and kelsey got out of prison just a few months ago, you were there with kelsey throughout her whole pregnancy. you were there when she gave birth, you were there when adam threatened her. you knew her like the back of your hand. well shes now your girlfriend. it sounds bad but you actually started dating while kelsey and adam were dating, they broke up the next day so it didnt really matter.

you and kelsey were sleeping together, daniels in his room sleeping peacefully. his birthday was a few days ago, hes now three.

kelseys pov:

*kelseys nightmare/flashback*

"why were you talking to him kelsey?" adam shouts. "i was asking him where you were! im telling the truth!" i yell back. "your talking to my friends behind my back arent you?"

"its not behind your back adam. i dont want any of your friends alright?!"

he steps closer. "if i ever catch you talking to ezra like again trust me i will do something. not to you. but to him." he says to me.

"you understand?" he asks. i nod, tears streaming down my face.

my dream suddenly switches to another one. "adamm" i whine, hes playing his game, hes been playing his game for a while. hes being nice today hopefully this doesnt ruin it.

"yeah kels?" he asks, moving the left headphone to the side so he can still hear his game but also hear me talking to him. "when are you getting off?" i ask.

"i dont know"

"well can you maybe.. hurry? i mean i didnt come over here for nothing." i try to say in the nicest way possible. "ill be done in a few minutes." he said that an hour ago.

"adamm?" i say again. "what you want kelsey??" he says, clearly annoyed. "im sorry.. but you said youd be done in a few minutes.. and that was an hour ago."

"can you stop being so clingy? ill get off in a bit."

my heart aches for a minute. im quiet. i cant actually believe he said that.

again, my dream switches. this one was the worst.

"im gonna tell them.."

"so your grassing on me?" he shouts over the phone. "im gonna tell the truth adam.."

"if you even think about bubbling me to those bizzies. your dead. your dead and your babies dead. and dont think i wont do anything because i have someone who will. she cut you and your babies throat." he shouts.

i stand in shock. i cant believe the boy i loved oh so much was even capable of saying something this horrific. i can't believe im this unsettled by my own boyfriend.

i opened my eyes, breathing heavily and crying my heart is beating fast and its aching, i dont know how to explain it. hearing those words again makes me feel so uneasy.

i sob harder. i hiccup my breath and i try to get the thought out of my head.

nobodies pov:

you wake up hearing kelseys sobs, you concernly sit up and look at her. "hey baby.. your okay.." you can kinda tell what this is about because kelsey does this quite often.

you rub her back, "your alright babygirl.. just breathe.. can you do that for me?" you ask softly. "y/n" she says softly, collapsing into your arms. "i had a dream about- about adam and it was when he" you know exactly what shes talking about.

"hes not here anymore babygirl.. your safe with me okay? you and daniel are safe with me. nothings gonna hurt you baby. your okay kels."

"wheres daniel?" she asks. "hes in his room baby." you say, rubbing her back. "okay.."

"you and daniel are safe with me. im not ever gonna hurt you. alright? your okay." i sooth her.

she starts calming down. she nods. "thats my girl.. lets go back to sleep yeah?" she nods again. i carefully lie her down. i spoon her and i place a kiss on the back of her hair.

"i love you so much baby." i whisper. i wrap my arms around her waist in a protective manner. "love you too.." she whispers.

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