midnight calls | bella x reader

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warnings: crying, sensitive!reader, cursing


bella has been gone in nyc for 3 days and i miss them really bad. ive never felt this way before. their coming back tomorrow which im extremely excited about.

i couldnt help but cry. i missed them so much, i needed their presence in mine so fucking badly.
i click bellas contact on my phone, facetiming them in which they answer, their laying in bed and since its only around 9pm there their not sleeping. "hi baby whats wrong why arent sleeping honey?" their expression softened from the small grin they had on their face to a more concerned one. "i miss you" i say as another tear falls from my eye.

"i miss you too baby but ill be back tomorrow you know?" the small grin returns on their face. "i know but i just want you so bad.." i pout laying down in our bed and getting under the blankets.

"i think i left my colonge on the bathroom counter" they say and i jump up to go and get it to spray it on my pillow.

they giggle and watch my as i spray it on my pillow.
"can you go to sleep for me baby? its almost 3am" they ask making sure i get sleep. "mhmm" i hum stretching now that im back in my bed with the amazing scent of bellas colonge. "do you want me to stay on the phone with you?" they ask and i nod my head a yes. "alright baby goodnight i love you"

"i love you too honey" i say, it being muffled considering my face is stuffed in the pillow with my arms around it, my leg draping over it.

they chuckle at me and mute themselves. making sure they dont wake me up once i fall asleep.

i open my eyes, my pillow is no longer in my arms like how i was holding and cuddling it before. but an even better thing was. my partner. i look up to see bellas sleeping figure. i smile to myself and lift myself up very gently as i dont want to wake them up.

i softly kiss their face repeatedly. they slowly wake up. i place a kiss on their lips before they can even form a sentence.

"i missed you so much." i say. they connect their hands on my waist. smiling at me and pulling me on top of them, making me straddle their waist.

"wow i guess you missed me too..." i say looking to the side. "oh of course i did, how could i not?" they say and i lean down to kiss them. they smirk against my lips. placing their hands on my hips rubbing their thumb against my hips. "your not slick bella." i say knowing exactly what their intentions were by doing that.

"oh whatever" they say. i get off of them and lay to their side. their arms underneath my pillow and me hugging into their waist.

"your so warm baby.." i mumble. "yeah?"


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