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im pretty sure i have a imagine called kisses already? idk but no tw just SUPER DUPER DUPER CUTE FLUFF BC BELLA IS LITERALLY MY BOOKIE


me and bella are sitting on couch, well bellas sitting on the couch. im sitting on their lap. anyways, where watching a show and it started getting boring. "baby im boreddd" i whine out and put my head in their neck. "well what do you wanna do?" they ask looking too the side as if their looking at me.

i straddle their lap and they place their hands on my hips. theres this look i have and when i do it bella knows exactly what i want, kisses.

"alright fine." bella says laughing and leaning in. placing their soft lips on mine. i giggle into the kiss

we pull away. "okay now its time for me too give you kisses" i smile at them and place their face in my hands. giving them kisses on their face.

i love bella so much, their eyes, their hair, their smile. everything about them is beautiful. i love them.

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