nail biter | bella x reader

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bella x nailbiter!reader 
warnings: petnames (babygirl, babe, my love, baby), kissing

i see all yall nailbiters (i am one)


ive always tried growing my nails out, using nail growth polish. but i always end up biting them. ever since i was young, its like a habit.

me and bella are lying next to eachother in their bed.
i bring my hand up to my mouth and start chewing on my nails. bella notices and pulls my hand away without any words, they bring it back down and intertwine our fingers.

"bella" i say, dragging out the la. "what" they say in the same tone. "whyd you do that" i ask.

"because you can get sick my love" they look at me, setting their phone down. "wow are you implying my nails are dirty?" i say sarcastically. "oh cmon" they chuckle.


bella and me are cuddling on the sofa watching the new season of Hilda, their lying on my chest and once again, i bring my hand up to my mouth and chew on my fingernails. bellas to hinged into the show they dont realize what im doing until after i ripped off the tip of my fingernail. bella looks up because they feel movement. "oh my god babe" they say, pulling my hand away and repeating the same process as the other day.


bella walks into their bedroom door with enthusiasm after they had just got home from "running errands". i peek my head up from my phone and look at them. "babyy i have a suprise for youu!" they say and i smile, sitting up and discarding my phone from my hands.

they set down a very small white cardboard box.

"Ooo what is it" i say picking it up. "open it" they say, standing in front of me excited for me to open it.

i open up the top and look inside, its a ring. "awhh thank you baby." i say as i pick it up out of the box. "and look what it does!" they say, grab it from my hand and i look up a them. its one of those spinning rings.

"its a distraction so instead of biting your fingernails you can spin it, and it also works as a little stress gadget because i know you get easily overwhelmed in public" i smile at how thoughtful and excited they are. "i love you so fucking much bella." i say. "i love you too" they smile. they sit on their bed next to me, i turn my head and lean in to place a small kiss on the corner of their mouth.

bella grabs my hand, they slide the ring on my pointedr finger. "next time this happens its going on your ring finger." they say nonchalantly. "god im so in love with you" i say kissing them once more but this time on the lips.


i was sitting on the sofa with bella once again now watching Chicken Run, instead of biting my nails i used my dominant hands thumb to spin the loose metal on the ring. bella was glaced at my hand that was spinning it and they turned and kissed my cheek.
"love you" they say before turning back to the television like nothing happened. leaving a small smile on my face.

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