kisses | bella x reader

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bellas laying on bed watching some tv show they like. im sitting at the desk discreetly watching them. not in a creepy way just admiring them.

i stand up and walk towards them. sitting down and scooting closer to them. laying half of my body on top of them. "hi honey" they say softly. "hi" i say softly

"what're you doing?" they ask. "nothing im just bored." i sigh, putting my face in their neck.
"you okay?" they ask sweetly and i nod my head. they wrap their arms around my waist. i kiss their neck and jaw softly, placing my hand on the other side of their face.

i start to get carried away, they watch their show as i kiss their neck again. i hear soft giggles coming from bella. "what does that tickle or something?" i ask chuckling. "yeah" they say giggling again.

i start to give them rougher kisses, just to see their reaction. "baby" they say laughing. since my leg is resting across their body they grab onto my thigh.

at this point their laughing so hard. i dont even know how it tickles that much. just to get a better response to the kisses i place a kiss on their sweet spot.

"honeyyyy" they whine, laughing again. making me pull away. "alright now its your turn" they say giggling.

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