golden globes | bella x reader

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i am so fucking mad bella didnt win. but they better fucking win for season 2 or we gonna have big problems.


i was bellas date for the golden globes tonight. we sat at a circle table as awards were getting announced.

i was very excited for bellas catagory to come up. and once it finally did i felt a knot in my stomach. im really hoping bella wins. they deserve it so much. crossing my fingers on one hand and holding bellas hand tight with my one.

as they were talking about how much they loved british accents and when the mentioned bella, the camera was pointed at them.

i smiled softly as i looked at bellas excited facial expression.

it was finally time that they announced the awards.
i bonce my leg anxiously up and down waiting for bellas name to be called.

"and the award goes to, bella ramsey in The Last Of Us" bella looked at me. "oh my god" bella says bella they before they got up and kissed me gently, making their way on stage.

they took the award and walked up to the microphone.

"wow, i dont even know where to start. id like to thank everybody ive worked with especially Pedro Pascal and Y/n L/n, i wanna thank the creators of The Last of Us, Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann because if it wasnt for them i wouldnt even be here right now. i just wanna thank everybody thats supported me through my job as an actor. my parents and my sister.. and again my girlfriend y/n. if it wasnt for them i also wouldnt be here right now, i love you so much y/n thank you for everything youve done for me." they say. holding the award in their arms.

once bella had got back to the table with everyone. everyone was clapping for bella and it was just such a lovely moment. before bella sat down again they leaned down to kiss my lips one, two times. they sat down.


after everything was announced we took pictures with pedro and whatnot, but when me and bella got home bella was so so happy. their energy was pure joy. it made me happy. bella deserves this alot.

"y/n i can't believe it." they kiss me. "i know baby i know" i kiss them back smiling. "babe oh my goodness. this is just..."


once bella settled down they finally fell asleep in my arms, happy as can be. im really proud of bella. veryyyyy proud of bella.

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