flash | kelsey x fem!reader ***

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you guys i swear its not one where y/n flashes kelsey its better 💯💯

warnings; y/n taking pictures of kelsey eating her out, head!recevicing, strap use!kelseygiving, head!giving, vibrator use, babygirl petname use

dom!switch!kelsey x sub switch!reader

you guys are 18 years old.
Song; baby im yours - cass elliot

im sleeping over at kelseys tonight, our parents trust us to sleep in the same bed and shit. because like what is kelsey gonna get me pregnant? if she could she would but she cant so, and plus were both girls so its basically like me sleeping at a friends house.

besides that, me and kelsey are in her room, im straddling kelseys lap with my arms around her neck and her arms around my waist.

"and what if your mum comes in?" i asked concerned.

"shes not going to, its okay. she has a night shift in like 10? 20 minutes?"

"can we wait till she leaves?" i ask softly. "mhm of course" she says gently rubbing circles on my hips.

i put my face in her neck, gently kissing her jaw, she tilts her head for easier access. "why are you being so sweet all the sudden? hm?" she says softly, messing around with the ends of my hair. "im always sweet to you what do you mean?" i say pulling away to look face to face with her.

"i guess your right." she says chuckling.

"kelsey im leaving!" i hear her mum yell. "okay!" she yells back facing her face towards the door. we hear the door shut and kelsey turns back to me and smirks.

i place my hands on ethier side of her face and kiss her roughly, her arms wrap around me torso tightly as she kisses me back. kelsey whimpers softly against my lips as my hand slips down her sweatpants. "can i do this?" i ask her, pull away. "mhm yeah" she mumbles, i get off her lap and pull her sweatpants all the way down, getting in front of her and gently spreading her legs, "is this okay?" i ask softly.


"keep going baby, dont fucking stop.." kelsey breathes out as i suck on her clit. "fuck oh fuck oh fuck" kelsey moans throwing her head back, guiding my head with her hand, "im gonna fucking cum dont stop"

i use my two fingers to spread her folds and flicking my tongue against her clit. her legs rest on my shoulders, her stomach being exposed. i look up at her and shes looking up at the ceiling. "baby dont stop that feels... so good.." she whimpers.

she finally reaches her high and moans fairly loud. i stick my fingers in her entrance and she came all over them. i pull away with her slick on my fingers. dragging them up her stomach and placing a kiss on her lips.

she eagerly kisses back. "let me... let me strap... you" she says in between kisses. "mhm go get it" i say pulling away and sitting down beside her, she gets up and walks to her dresser. going into her bra and underwear drawer pulling out her solid black strap and a dark purple vibrator she bought sespifically for me.

"do you wanna use this?" she asks referring to the vibrator. "yeah" i say taking my shirt off, leaving my pants for kelsey to take off.

she walks towards me, above my gaze. "you ready?" she asks softly. "mhm" i hum. she takes off my underwear, exposing my wet cunt. "goodness.." she places two fingers on my core and slowly slides in.

"mm fuck" i moan. i hear the vibrator turn on. legs stiffing up from the touch of the silicone on my clit.
"kels.." i moan. "hm?" she hums. "kelsey oh!" i moan as the vibrations stimulate my clit.

my back arches slightly, i moan and throw my head back. "feels so good baby dont stop" i whimper.

"im about to make you feel real good in a second." she says pulling away and sitting up to put her strap on.

as soon as i know it i feel the cold silicone tip on my entrance. "put it in." i almost demand.

she chuckles "yes ma'am.." she slides the whole 8 inches in. slowly thrusting in and out, getting faster and faster with each thrust. she throws her head back and moans as she thrusts into me.

"fuck.. you feel so good oh my god" she groans, grabbing my hip my slamming her strap into me.

"oh fuck!" i moan as she hits my g-spot repeatedly. "baby oh my god im gonna cum dont fucking stop please dont stop.." i moan desperate for my arrival.

"i got you.. whenever your ready babygirl." she says.
i cum hard, all over the dildo. "so pretty honey" she says as i arch my back and she grabs my boob. running her thumb over my nipple, pressing down.
she pulls out slowly.

"are you alright baby?" she asks making eye contact with my teary eyes. "mhm" she looks at me for a few seconds before moving down to my core. kissing my inner thighs lovingly.

"gorgeous gorgeous girl.." she says softly. making me blush. "your prettier.." i mumble. "what was that?" she says, knowing what i said, she doesnt like it when i say that. but its so true.

she kisses my clit and uses her fingers to spread my folds. "so pretty.." she says. laying her touge flat against my pussy.

"wait baby.. can i um.. record?" i ask nervous.
"yeah go ahead.. use my phone though"

i get kelseys phone from next to me, unlocking it and pulling up the camera app and turning flash on. i press the red button. resting it on my stomach

kelsey looks up at me, pulling away and giggling. adjusting her position. attaching her lips back onto my cunt licking up and down.

"kelsey fuck.." i moan. "holy fuck" i moan as she sucks on my clit. "oh" i groan and run my fingers through her hair. my hand, her head and my pussy being in the cameras frame.

kelseys eyes look up to watch me. her eyes glistening in the phones flash. "doing so good baby.." i praise her. kelsey loves being praised for stuff like this. she likes knowing shes doing a good job.

"such a pretty girl.." i say in a sweet tone, combing my fingers through her hair. i feel her smirk against my cunt.

she flicks her tounge against my clit repeatedly. i finally feel like im about to orgasm. "im gonna cum baby fuck baby im about to cum!"

"cum for me baby." she pulls away rubbing circles on my clit. "oh fuck!" i cum really hard.

i pause the video. setting the phone down close my eyes and catch my breath. kelsey rubs her hand on my stomach. "you tired baby?" she asks.

"uh huh" i hum. "let me get you cleaned up ok?"
"mhmm" i hum again, about to fall asleep. "ive got you alright? go to sleep honey."

i wake up at 3 in the morning to me laying in kelseys arms, kelseys very lightly snoring. i pull the blanket more on me. waking kelsey up. "you okay baby?" she mumbles.

"mhm im just cold.." i wrap my arms around her neck.
"do you want one of my sweatshirts?" she asks looking down at me. "no its okay." i say.

"okay, go back to sleep ok? do you need anything?"
"no its alright im fine" i mumble in her sweatshirt.

"okay. goodnight, i love you"

"i love you too"

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