crybaby pt 2 | bella x reader

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warnings: kissing


i wake up in me and bellas bed, i fell asleep in the living room last night watching tv. i feel a pair of arms wrapped around me. i cant help but smile.

i turn around carefully making sure not to wake bella up. their arms still wrapped around me i place mine on etheir side of their face, slowly moving my thumb back and forth. watching as they peacefully sleep.

they slowly open their eyes. "baby?" they mumble sleepily. "hm?" i hum. "are you still mad at me.?"

"no baby, im not." i responed. they unwrapped their arms that were around me and sit up. causing my hands to slip away from their face.

i sit up aswell and they go to speak. "im sorry y/n, i didnt mean to speak over you. its just sometimes i get excited about things and i speak over people. if i knew you were talking i wouldve listened i promise. i love you alot"

"its alright bella. i love you too." i say, placing my hands on either side of their face and kissing them. after we pull away bella asks a question.

"can we go back to sleep now?" they ask softly. "mhm"

after we woke up for the 2nd time we stayed in and cuddled while watching movies. occasionally kissing one another, may or may not had been turned into a makeout sessison most of the time.

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