please dont say you love me.. pt 2

498 7 9

tw: arguing, cheating, sad,

it gets better towards end yall swear

i don't remember falling asleep, i think the tears covered up what actually happened.

i wake up, turn around. too my suprise bella was actually here. i used to wake up in the middle of the night and watched them breathe, not in creepy way. i did that because i knew i wouldnt see them the next day.

i placed my hand on their head, combing my fingers through their hair. i missed doing this. i stopped because i didnt want them too wake up.
i lightly kissed their temple before getting up, changing my clothes and sitting at my desk, messing with random things, i hear movement behind me. "oh i didnt know you were up." bella says. "why were you trying too wake up before me so you can go fuck samantha?"

i blurt out. "what? y/n i-" bella tries too say and i cut them off. i stand up and turn around "no bella, im tired of waking up every morning and not seeing you. i know what you do with her. when you came home sweaty and tired? yeah im not fucking dumb bella." i say fast. "y/n" bella yells. "what?" i yell at them. bella knows they fucked up.

"i-" bella tries too say "stop! stop trying to make excuses for it. if you didnt want too be with me anymore you couldve just broken up with me." i lower voice but im still yelling.

bella walks over too me, they kiss me. i melt into it, i havent felt this is ages. we pull away. "y/n i love you." they say. "no you dont.." i replied. "yes y/n.. i do. so much. and im sorry for everything i did. i dont like samantha. i know i fucked up. please y/n. i love you." bella says, i hug them crying, "ill do anything you want just please forgive me." bella mumbles into my neck. i pull away. "fine.." i smile and take their hand and lead them too our room

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