"i love you" | kelsey x reader

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pregnant fluff from the vote! hoprfully you enjoy.

kelsey is 8 months pregnant and she has the bump like how she does in the pictures.


Me and kelsey are laying on our bed, kelseys cuddling into my waist as we watch TV.

kelsey looks like shes about to fall asleep as she rests her head on my chest. i reach my hand up to comb my fingers through her hair. softly straching her scalp only making her more tired.

she puts her face in my neck and falls asleep, once i find out shes sleeping i turned the TV off. gently lifting her off of me, i pull the blanket on top of her and kiss her cheek gently.

laying behind her and spooning her. draping my arm around her.

its now 4am and i wake up to hear kelsey in the bathroom throwing up. i quickly get up and walk to the bathroom. kneeling down next to her and rubbing circles on her back.

that goes on for about 5 more minutes, she pulls away and flushes the toilet, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"y/n.." she whines tiredly and feeling horrible. she collapses into me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "its okay baby, i got you." i tell her.

"it hurts so bad y/n i just want it to be over." she says crying. "i know baby i know.." i say wrapping my arms around her waist. i feel so bad, shes in so much pain and i cant do anything about it.

"do you need anything?" i ask, running my hand up and down her back. "i want to go to sleep." she says crying softly.

"alright." i say slowly getting up. waiting for her and helping her up. once shes fully up i walk her back to the room. helping her in bed and putting the blanket back on her.

i lean down and kiss the corner of her mouth. i walk around to the other side of the bed. laying down and repeating the same process as earlier. spooning her and wrapping me arms around her.

"i love you" i say, "i love you too" she mumbles, turning over and hugging me.

its now 9am, i woke up and saw kelsey was sweating alot, i pull the blanket off of her so she wouldnt over heat. i turned the fan up to the hoghest setting.

she woke up. i could tell she felt horrible. "baby?" she says softly. "mhm?" i ask, gently stroking my fingertips along her forehead. "can you get me some water please?" she asks. "mhm, do you need anything else?" i ask. "no just that.." she says falling asleep again. i kiss her temple before walking off into the kitchen to get her a cup of water.

after i get it i walk back into the room. my presence waking her up. i give her the water and watches as she drinks it. she hands the cup back to me after shes done and i set it on the nightstand.

she sleeps for around 4 more hours, i dont blame her i mean shes carrying a whole other person inside her.

its now 9pm, kelseys doing better, she took a shower and brushed her teeth, im helping her brush her hair now, im sitting behind her, brushing the ends of her hair, theres some knots in it, its so long. shes watching the TV, trying to take her mind off the pain shes in.

"you okay honey?" i ask softly. "yeah.." she says.
"i love you" i say softly. "i love you too.." she says tiredly. "you okay?" i ask her. "yeah i just want this baby out of me." she says with a slight chuckle. "i know honey, im sorry" i say, putting her hair in a ponytail.

i lean forward, placing my hand on her jaw and kissing her lips gently.

"can we go to bed?" she asks as i pull away. "of course baby" i say.

20 months later.

kelsey had the baby in july, shes doing way better. im happy to see her smile again.

i hear talking in the living room, kelseys playing with the baby, who is now 12 months old. "No say mama." she tells the baby, who keeps saying mommy, which is me.

"momomom" the small baby babbles

"noo salem say mama." her soft british accent making me smile.

"mamamamamamama" the baby babbles again. kelsey has her knees bent, the baby leaning against her thighs. she grabs the babys hands softly. "mama" she says slowly so the baby can comprehend.

"mama" the baby finally says, her small accent coming through. "fuck yeah!" she says out of excitement. the baby starts to giggle at her happy mother.

"y/n! salem just said mama!" she yells from the other room. "no way!" i say, speed walking in there.

"mhm!" she hums in excitement.

i love my girlfriend, even though the baby isnt mine, and doesnt have any of my dna, and looks like kelseys baby daddya but, ill still love her as always.

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