wired autocomplete interview 💗

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requested by CharliBug635 

cw: nothing

y/f/s = your favorite song 

I woke up around 6:30. I rolled over and picked up my phone and the clock read 6:47. I sighed and slowly got up because who generally wants to wake up 6am on a Sunday morning?

once I got up and walking to the bathroom to take a shower, I turned on the shower, got undressed and got in the shower, once I was done, I got dressed. (I'll let you guys pick what you want to wear :)) 

I got done getting ready around 8:20 and drove to the studio we were videoing the interview at. when I got there, I saw my girlfriend sitting on a chair watching something on their phone, "Bella!!" I say excitedly because I haven't seen her in 1 week which is not really normal for us.  

"Hi baby!!" she says and speed walks over too me. I smile and hug them. 'How are you?" she asks, "I'm doing well, how are you?" I ask them. 'I'm good!" they say lovingly and smile. 

once we got our makeup done, we sat on the film chairs and were talking about random things before the interview started. 

"Hi everyone, I'm Y/n L/n!"  I speak.  "And I'm Bella Ramsey!"  he speaks. "And this is Wired Autocomplete interview." we both say together. "Today me and Bella will be answering you guys' most asked questions!" I speak. ''alright guys, let's do this!" 

"First question" I say as a peel off the paper of the cardboard sheet that looks like a google search.  "how did y/n l/n start acting?" the cardboard read. "Well, I started when I was 5. and I did a joke audition for The Walking Dead at 10, and surprisingly got casted!" I say laughing a bit.

I peeled another one "what's y/n l/ns favorite song?" I read, "hm I don't know, I kind of like y/f/s" I finished reading of my cardboard sheet and then Bella did theirs.

Bellas pov: 

Y/n handed me my cardboard sheet and I read off some questions.  consisting of me and y/ns relationship, my acting life, and some questions about me.

Hi guys! I hope you liked this!

- els

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