bella x autistic!reader HCS | bella x reader

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bella x autistic!reader HCS

disclaimer: i am autistic, but if any thing seems like it could be a problem lmk and ill delete it

- bella is always there to hear about your new hyperfixations, you always hyperfixtate on their new shows and you totally geek out on them

- bella is aware of what you sensitive to and what your not. for instance if you dont like a certain foods texture then they wont buy it again.

- bella is also neurodivergent so they understand and do their best to make you feel comfortable.

- bellas aware that you can get overstimulated fast so they always help you through stuff so that you don't feel uncomfortable.

- bella loves loves loves buying you things that are related to your hyperfixtations. once you got hyperfixtated on adventure time for a week and they bought you a BMO plush, another tome you were super into minecraft for a bit and they bought you a black cat plush <33

- when your getting overwhelmed/overstimulated in public they'll take you into a small space (like a bathroom) where you can calm down.

- whenever you first started dating you were scared  telling them about your neurodivergencey but bella was just like "im also neurodivergent my love." and you were like WHAT

- but yeah, bellas a super gentle and loving person, they always wanna make you feel comfortable and happy. they love you so so much

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