morning sickness | kelsey x reader

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warnings, vomiting, sickness, pregnancy (kelsey), medication use (headache medicine)
y/n and kelsey are NOT dating. theyre just close.

requested by sw1ftsfilms

I woke up today to the sounds of kelsey vomiting across the cell. they were atleast nice enough to give her a bucket to throw up in. i slowly get up, walking towards her and kneeling down next to her. gliding my hand up and down her back.

"its okay.."' i softly say as she still throwing up. she pulls away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "you alright?" i ask. "im really nauseous.. i couldn't sleep last night. "im sorry honey. do you need any medicine for anything?" i ask, hoping i find something to help her. "for my head, it's actually pounding." she says sitting back up on her bed, sitting against the wall with her arms crossed in front of her stomach, i stand up, "alright ill see what i can do." i walk over to the door, pushing it open and walking to abi and orlas cell. knocking, well pounding on the door considering their metal..

"who is it?" i hear one of them say. "y/n" i reply

"come in. i hear the other one say. i walk in and ask, "do you guys have any medicine for headaches? kekseys got really bad morning sickness." i ask. "i think i might have some.." she says looking around her bed. picking up a small bottle, tossing it to me. "take as much as you need, i dont get headaches often." abi says. "okay thanks" i say pouring 2 pills in my hand.

i close the container and throw it back to her. "thank you!" i say walking out and going back to me and kelseys cell.

i push the door open and see kelsey laying on her side,  facing the wall, facing that picture of her baby daddy. "hey i got medicine." i say walking over towards her, rolling my eyes at the picture taped on her wall.

she turns around and sits up. taking them out my hand and putting them in her mouth. sallowing them laying back down. "thank you." she says softly, turning back to the picture.

she seems to really miss him, i mean i totally get why. ive never felt this way before. am i jealous? i push those thoughts away and lay back on my bed.

a few minutes go by and i hear kelsey throwing up again. i turn around. standing up and walking back towards her. kneeling down next to her, placing my hand in the middle of her back gliding it up and down.

she pulls away again, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "im sorry that you have to deal with this y/n.." she says softly. "deal with what?" i ask. "just me constantly throwing up, its gross." she says. "kelsey its not your fault. it doesnt gross me out one bit. ok?"

i see a smile form on her face, then a knock at the door. "i feel like im going to throw up again.." she says as she hovers over the bucket again.

i walk over to the door, opening it. its orla, "hey whats up?" i ask. " hey hows kelsey?" she asks. i dont say anything, opening up the door more so she can see her throwing up. "oh.." she says. "ill come back later." she says again walking away. i close the door and walk over to kelsey. i rub circles on her back, "im sorry honey.." i say softly. she pulls away, sitting back down  on her bed and wiping her mouth with her hand, wiping her hand on the side of her bed.

"can you come here?" she asks softly, patting a spot on her bed for me to sit next to her. i sit next to her and she immediately rests her head on my lap. i smile at her and i play with her hair.

after that she didnt even look at the picture of her boyfriend for like 3 days. she does every single day. which is odd she hasnt done it in a while.

"y/n?" she says. "yeah?" i say from across the room.

"i love you." she says

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