something extremley devoius i dont have a name for

496 3 8

requested by: sw1ftsfilms
kelsey and you are both 21

warnings: reader uses strap, head!giving, fingering!giving this is sort of kinky so


"fuck" kelseys groans as i place her down on the bathroom counter. she has these sweatpants on and her black lace underwear are showing, little did i know she had her set on underneath her shirt

"you look so fucking hot right now" i say in between kisses on her neck. "y/n..." she moans. i slip my hand down the sides of her underwear so i have a grip of her bare skin.

"hm?" i question. "please.." she begged. "please what baby..?" i say kissing her neck still. "fuck me please." she begs again. "alright" i say pulling away from her neck that i left red marks on. "cmon" i say as i grab her hand and pull her into the room, i place her on the bed. "can i take off your clothes?" i ask for her consent

"mhm please" she replies. "oh my god.." i breathe out as i realize she has her set on "kelsey fuck.." i say. i pull off her shirt and sweatpants and i swear under my breath.

"fucking goddess." i mumble to where she cant hear me. i place my hands on her waist and start to leave kisses down her stomach. i take her lace underwear off and slip them into the back pocket of my jeans.

she felt the low hot breath from my mouth on her vagina, she kind of twitched from it.

"baby please.." she says as she attaches her hand too my head. i start to go down on her, moving my tongue over her clit. her back arches a slight bit so i decide to go faster. "fuck y/n! oh!" she moans. i insert my two middle fingers into her wet entrance and move them back and forth

she finishes and her back arches fully. i start to slow down to where she can still feel pleasure but not fully.

i pull away and stand up, i look in the drawer for the solid black strap, i find it and i slide it on. she sits up and watches me. i get closer and hold out my hand. "spit" i tell her and she does. (i told yall this was kinky) i start to pump the silicon shaft so its not extremely cold when i put it in.

"im getting so horny by watching you do that.." she mumbles under her breath. "whatd you say babe?" i ask stopping what im doing "nothing!" she replys. "

i rub the tip of it on her wet vagina, over her clit. "oh fuck.." she moans out. i insert the tip and start to slowly push the rest in. "ohh fuck!" she groans

its fully in her and i start to slowly thrust back and forth. going faster with each one. "y/n! oh fuck! oh my god!!'" she starts getting louder. she moans super loud as i hit her g-spot multiple times. "oh y/n fuck!"
she says as she cums on my dick. i pull out and we both breathe heavily.

were both cleaned up, i put her clothes back on and since mine never came off i didnt have to do anything with myself. so it was all about making sure shes okay, making sure shes comfortable. which i absolutely love doing. i love taking care if her.

were laying in bed and her head is resting on my chest, room fully dark besides the gloomy blue light beaming from outside.

"i love you kelsey.." i say

"i love you too y/n"

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