best interest | kelsey x reader

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episode1!bisexual!sub!kelsey x lesbian!dom!reader

wanrings: drug use, fingering!giving, head!giving, kelsey having sex with you while still dating adam 🤭, ellie and dina joint scene moment, y/n basically eats kelseys come

DISCLAIMER A/N: abi and orla are not in the same cell as you guys. its just you and kelsey in one cell & pretend kelsey hasnt found out shes pregnant yet


"pass it kels" i say, referring to the blunt kelseys currently hitting. "hold on a second" she says. passing it 2 seconds later. letting me hit it.

i take a quick glance at the cell door and once i look back to kelsey i hit it and pass it to her again, looking her up and down in an admiring way. i get way to lost in my thoughts "so fucking pretty" i mumble very quietly. she didnt hear me. "hm?" she hums looking towards me.


"i know what you said y/n" she grins. my heart drops.
"im sorry i didn-" she kisses me.  shes dating someone why is she kissing me? "wait kelsey-"

"i thought you were dating ada-"

"hes gonna be fine i promise." she says and i shrug in response, kissing her again but putting my hands on either side of her face. she moans against my lips.

i lean against the wall next to kelseys bed. patting my lap for kelsey to sit down on. she straddles me as i place my hands on her waist.

"you okay?" i ask, just checking to see if shes doing alright.

"yeah im fine." she kisses me, slipping her tounge into my mouth and placing her hands on my neck.

i tug at the hem of her shirt. wanting her to take it off.
she pulls away and takes off her shirt. exposing her boobs which look amazing. i immediately start kissing her chest. leaving hickies on her collarbone and boobs.

she throws her head back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

i pull away and take off my shirt. i reposition ourselves. me being above kelsey and her pretty eyes looking up below me.

i put my hand behind her back. wanting to unclasp her bra. "can i?"

"yea" i unclasp it in a swift motion. being quick with it. i take a look at her fully exposed breasts.

pfft, adam wouldnt even know what to do with all that anyways.

"such a pretty girl" i say. sliding her bra down her shoulders, she gets the chills. "you okay?" i ask placing my warm hand on her waist.

"mhm im just cold..."

"do you want me to put it back on?" i ask. "no its okay." she says.

i nod and lean down to kiss her neck. moving down to her chest and stomach. her hand attaches to my head and she combs her fingers through my hair.

"can i take your sweats and stuff off kels?" "mhm" she nods.

i take everything off so now she's completely naked. "you sure you arent cold? do you want my jacket?"

she nods, obviously embarrassed. "hey its okay" i chuckle. i grab my grey jacket off my bed and help her put it on. "there. is that better?"

she nods yes. "good" i peck her lips and move down to her cunt again.

"y/n.." she moans as i lick a stripe up her slit. stopping at her clit. bobbing my head over and over, creating a friction on her clit. "dont stop baby... dont fucking stop"

i slide my ring finger and my middle finger into her wet heat. moving them at a fast pace while also licking circles over her clit.

"im gonna cum" she moans quietly. "cum for me baby" i whisper against her pussy.

just by that she immediately cums, i lick up the liquid off her pussy. she combs her fingers through my hair as as kiss her stomach and her lower stomach. "beautiful girl" i whisper.

"so gorgeous honey." i whisper sweet nothings while kissing her.

were now cleaned up, i cleaned up kelsey, put her clothes back on, put her blanket over her and kissed her before i went to sleep myself.

kelseys pov:

its the next day and im seeing adam today. im nervous considering what me and y/n did last night. i sit in the plastic chair. turning around to get a glace of y/n who is talking to her bestfriend who visited her.

i see adam walk up and i stand up, smiling softly as he walks over towards me.

"you okay?" he whispers before kissing me passionately, he places on hand on my waist and gently places his other hand on the side of my face.
as he kisses me i feel somthing slide into my mouth.
i knew exactly what it was since we used to do this alot and he does it every time he visits me.

he moves the hand that was on my waist to the other side of my face before moving it to my hip. he pulls away and we sit down.

he gave a small drug to me. us looking around to make sure i wont get caught. i quickly put it up to my mouth and i slide my hand down my pants. putting it in my genital area.

he looks me up and down as i do this. it doesnt scare me at all or make me uncomfortable its just a bit pressuring.

i pull my hand out and place both of them on my lap.
"so whatd you do yesterday?" he asks me and my mind immediately goes to last nights activities. "nothing much.. just... normal things you know?"

"your acting weird." he says to me. "how??" i ask.

"you just are." "dont worry about it its fine."

"anyways what have you been doing.?" i ask. "nothing just normal activities."

"are you fucking serious right now adam??" i ask. "what?!" he asks defensively. "nevermind. just forget it."

the bell rings and me and adam hug and kiss eachother bye. "bye babe i love you" he says. "i love you too" i say, he leaves and i immediately walk over to y/n after shes done saying bye to her friend.

"i feel like adam knows what we did."

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