"shh im here"

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tw: anxiety attacks, ptsd

i have major ptsd from my trauma, loud noises usually trigger that ptsd.

well, i was in the bathroom getting ready because me and bella where going to go too the store, bellas in the other room. i guess my elbow bumped a small glass bowl with rings and jewelry in it. the glass shattered.

my breathing became fast.

i ran into my room and locked it, hiding in my closet from my drunk stepfather you just came home. i heard banging on my door. i tired too control my breathing. until it was too late. hes already in the room. "i know your fucking in here y/n."
end of flashback

im sitting down on the floor, breathing hard "y/n?" bella runs into the room. "baby.." they say as they see me breathing hard and crying on grond having a panic attack. bella kneels down in front of me. "y/n.. baby.." they say. i collapse in their arms and cry. "shh its okay im here" they reassure me.

"shshsh" bella calms me down. my breathing is still hard but im not longer crying. i look up at bella, "im sorry.." i say, "for what? baby you didnt do anything. your alright." they say softly. "come here.." they say and help me up. i wrap my arms around their neck and hug them. their arms around my waist.

"i love you" bella says, "i love you too.." i say back still hugging them

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