interruption | kelsey x reader

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paring ; dom!reader x sub!kelsey

warnings ; strap use obv, getting interrupted by minor (hes the age he was in the ending of episode three), some foreplay, pet names, praise kink, REALISTIC RELATIONSHIP.

a/n ; i thought nick nunn and timothee chalamet where the same ppl

as kelsey walks back into the room from putting daniel to sleep. she smiles and walks over to me and  makes her way over to me, straddling my lap.

"so pretty baby" i say, kissing her softly. "so so pretty" i kiss her lips again. she places her hands on either side of my face and i grip her waist.

we continue kissing for a few minutes before we stop for air. "i want you to fuck me y/n." she says bluntly and i chuckle.

"yeah?" i reply softly. "yeah" she replies back.


"y/n fuck dont stop!" she moans into my palm, im covering her mouth because she's extremely vocal, and the babies sleeping.

"y/n oh fuck-" she whimpers. "feel good kels?" i ask and she nods fast. i pound harder into her as time passes. "im gonna cum" her muffled voice says. tears forming in her eyes from me hitting her g-spot

"cum for me baby." i say, out of breath. "your doing so good for me" i praise her. "y/n i cant-" she whines. "fuck- you can take it baby. your doing so good."

"you feel so good baby" i say, i know i can't actually feel it. but i know it does.

"y/n im about to cum oh-" she moans just before her orgasm, we hear daniel crying. i immediately stop my actions. kelsey throws her head back, not in annoyance. just in very slight aggravation because she was just about to finish.

"do you want me to get him?" i ask, taking off the strap and putting my underwear on, slipping a shirt on.

"ill get him its fine." she says slipping her shirt back on and pulling her underwear up. "are you sure?" i ask. "mhm its alright." she says sitting up, she stands up and walks into daniels room.

"i know baby" i hear from the other room. "shh shh shhh" i smile to myself hearing her talk to daniel as i put away the strap away after cleaning it. kelsey walks into the room. holding daniel in her arms. his head rested on her shoulder and his face in her neck.

"babe can you take him i need to pee" she says and i take daniel out of her arms nodding.

i lay him in the middle of me and kelseys bed, he usually sleeps there when he doesnt want to sleep in his own bed.

i put the blanket over him and hes still whining, i sit next to him and he cuddles into my leg. kelsey comes back into the room and smiles. she walks over to daniel and kisses his temple. whispering the words i love you before she walks over to my side, i lift daniel up and place him to the side a bit, making sure he doesnt wake up. kelsey sits down next to me. kissing my lips and laying down on her side. i lay down also and i spoon her.

"i love you so much baby" i say, kissing the nape of her neck. "i love you too babe" she replies back softly.

i turn my head to check daniel and hes sleeping peacefully. i turn my head back around and slowly fall asleep with the two people i love the most.

ill definitely be making it up to kelsey tomorrow..

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