late night | b.r

299 3 11

warnings: SMUT, sorry not sorry bellas twenty years old get over it. strap use, head!receiving, vibratior, daddy kink, no foreplay.


"you like that shit dont you?" bella says as they thrust into your pussy. "m-mhm fuck bells i cant do it-"
"yeah you can your doing good. just keep your eyes on me yeah?" i nod.

"god that feels so good.." i moan. "oh really?" they chuckle. "oh fuck!" they fasten their pace. "thats my girl."

with every thrust i let out a soft moan. bella kept praising me with everything i did.

bella was hitting all the right spots which was making my high come faster. "keep making those pretty sounds baby" bella mumbles, leaning down to kiss my jaw and neck, sucking hickies onto the soft skin of my collarbones.

"bella.." i moan. "mmmhm thats it" they mumble against my neck and i tug at their shirt. they giggle at my eagerness "mmm-fuck bells im gonna cum" i whimper.

"go ahead babygirl" they say pulling away from my neck and thrusting into me faster. i let out a loud moan and throw my head back, my legs began to shake. "fuck your so pretty" bella says taking the strap off and setting it next to us so they dont forget to clean it later.

bella gets in between my legs and kisses my lower stomach before moving down and kissing my clit.
"fuck" they mumble against my heat. they swirl they tounge around my clit and began to bob their head up and down, creating a throbbing sensation on my clit. "fuck- bella.. oh god!" i bunch up their hair in my hand and tug on it. bella looks up at me to watch me tremble under their touch. they insert two fingers inside my throbbing pussy. "fuckk!" i whine.

"bells i cant do it-" my legs start to shake. and my back arches, im squirming alot. "be still" they demand. "im sorry"

"its okay babygirl" they mumble against my vagina. the vibrations from their raspy voice makes me almost cum on the spot. bella reaches up to grab and hold my hand. "taking my fingers so well princess." they curl their fingers against my walls faster.

"fuck!" i moan. they chuckle and pull away once i finish.

bella reaches over to the nightstand once again and pulls out my bullet vibrator. my thighs tense up at the thought of bella above me watching as i tremble beneath them.

"your gonna cum when i say so you hear me?" they say. i nod

"nuh uh. use your words." they demand. "yes bella"
"its not bella" they say again.

"yes daddy." i find this kink with bella really hot but god. it can be so embarrassing sometimes.

"good girl" they lean down to place a kiss on my lips. "i love you" they speak before pressing the 'on' button on the dark blue vibrator. i mumble an "love you too"

"such a pretty girl" they place it directly on my clit. they grab my hands and hold them over my head. "tell me if its to much. ill stop okay?" they say softly, i nod.

they put it on the highest level, which is 7. i shut my eyes and i feel my back began to arch. "your doing so good babygirl" they lean down to kiss my neck and jaw. "such a good girl, i love seeing you like this. so fucking pretty" they mumble in between kisses.

bella lets one of my hands go, i reach down to hold the vibrator so bella can finger me.

they reach down and insert their two middle fingers into my pussy. "fuck your so wet for me" they mumble against my neck.

they curl their fingers against my walls, "oh my god fuck!" i moan. "taking daddys fingers so well. such a good girl"

"your so pretty darling" bella says. their so sweet.

"fuck- thank you-" i groan. their gaze watching my trembling figure. they chuckle to themselves.

"i cant..." i mumble. "yes you can babygirl"

"look at daddy," they demand. "thats it"

"daddy im gonna cum" my legs shake. "aw look at that, i love making you feel like this. so fucking pretty"

"you look so hot right now" they praise me. i softly moan before they take the vibrator off my clit and let me relax. "you did so good." they kiss my forehead.

"pretty girl" they kiss my neck. "i love you so fucking much."

i smile. "i love you too bella" they kiss my lips softly. "my beautiful girl" they say before getting up and grabbing the strap and vibrator to rinse off and clean. "just relax okay? ill be back in a second" i nod.

i get my clothes back on and rest on the bed, waiting for bella to come back. i scroll through instagram when i hear the door open. i set my phone down as a watch bella put the stuff back and shut the drawer. they plop down beside me and i wrap my arms around their neck. "you did so good love" they say, i softly giggle. they attack my neck and face with kisses. i giggle again.

"bella!" i squeal. "hm whats wrong?" they say, pretending they dont know what their doing.

"your too much", "im tired." i say. "go to sleep then baby" they say and i nod. they kiss my lips softly, pulling the covers over the both of us before we both dose off in eachothers presence.

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