beg for it * | kelsey x reader

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summary: kelsey accidentally goes to rough and hurts the reader, she feels so so horrible after finding out

warnings: strap use, mentions of spit

kelsey pushes me up against the wall, her hands on my hips and her mouth immediately going to my neck.
sucking red spots down to my collarbone.

"kelsey oh.." i moan as her hands trail down to the flesh below my ass. her let out a small hum in response as she continue to suck soon to be bruises on my neck.

she pick me up and i wrap my legs and arms around her. countinuing to make out with her as she sits down so im straddling her lap. i start to grind on her. her hands trail down my back as i hold her face with both my hands and kiss her repeatedly

"y/n.." she groans against my lips. rubbing her thumbs back and forth against my hips.

i grind harder and start to feel friction on my clit. "kelsey fuck i need you so bad" i moan throwing my head back grinder even harder and faster.

i let out a groan as i feel a throb on my clit. kelsey watching me tremble on her lap. she take their hands off me and start to unbutton her jeans.

she pick me up and softly places me on the couch next to her. standing up and pulling her jeans down, revealing her black boxers.

i take off my shirt revealing my lace black bra and pulling my shorts halfway showing my lacey black underwear.

"oh fuck y/n" she say getting above me, heat rising to my face under her gaze. i reach my hand down to my wet vagina, slightly brushing her own. "ill be right back" she says leaving the living room and going into our room.

i continue to rub myself as shes gone. reaching my high i let out a quiet moan and take a breather.

she comes back out and i see a slight bulge in their boxers. she gets back ontop of me.

i stick my hand down and rub her fake bulge. her quietly groaning as if she can actually feel it. she sticks her own hand down and pulls it out.

i almost whimper at the thought of it being inside of me. she rubs the tip of it against my clothed vagina. trying to get me more wetter than i already am. which of course worked.

"kelsey please put it in" i say throwing my head back in sexual frustration. "so needy for my cock huh? cant wait any longer? beg for it baby." she says.

"Kelsey! just fuck me already! please Kels!" i beg her. she smirks a bit and pull my underwear down. obviously under my permission.

her tip hovering above my entrance, aligning it and slowly pushing it in. "kelsey" i moan her name. she starts off by slowly thrusting in and out. then she starts to go faster, pounding into me "Oh fuck kelsey ohhhh" i groan. then i start to repeativly moan and groan as she hits my g-spot

i feel tears form in my eyes from the amount of pleasure im feeling right now.

she start to slow down as she reaches her own high caused by the stimulation base in the strap.

"y/n fuck" she throws her head back still thrusting slowly into me. "holy fuckkkk" she groans, she leans in to kiss me sloppily, my hands connect to the sides of her neck. she pulls away and a string of our mixed spit connects from both of our mouths. the string breaking as she leans back.

she starts to pound into me again, throwing her head back. i start to lightly cry and moan as she pounds into me harder, the tears now caused by pain. she looks at me and stopped, immediately got concerned "are you okay baby?! am i going to rough? should i slow down??" she asks kind of panicking.

"no baby its fine it just hurts a tiny bit." i say. "baby im so sorry" she said, her hand on my face and her thumb wiping my tears as they fall.

"i know its just i could tell you were at your high again and i just wanted to make sure you felt better.. im sorry.." i say and she slowly pulls out. "baby id rather you be comfortable than my pleasure. ok? are you alright?" she says taking her strap off leaving herself in her black boxers and sports bra once again.

she cleans me up and puts my bra and underwear back on. she sits me up and pulls me into her lap. "do you feel okay? did i make your stomach hurt? fuck baby im so sorry." she blames herself.

"its okay kelsey.. you didnt know. its alright, my stomach is fine its just i also ment to tell you i was getting tired." i say leaning my head into her neck. almost falling asleep "go to sleep baby, ive got you" she says running her hand up and down my back so i fall asleep in her arms. feeling her get up from the couch and carrying me into our room. laying me down on the bed and cuddling into me.

"im so sorry" i hear her say softly. "its okay sweetheart, just go to sleep alright? i love you so much." i say giving her a small gentle kiss on the lips "alright, i love you too baby. goodnight" she says softly as she falls asleep and so do i.

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