"get on your knees" | kelsey x reader *

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i cant even begin to say how excited i am to write this guys omg

warnings: y/n jerking and sucking kelseys strap, strap in v, clit stimulation, kissing obvs, cursing, mommy kink, spit kink (kelsey spits in y/ns mouth), praise kink!kelsey
head!receiving, squirting lol, kelsey having no control whatsoever over her moaning, hickey!receving, aftercare included, no foreplay, kelsey and reader are married, petnames (babygirl, baby, slut (mommys slut), honey, good girl, pretty girl), fingering!recevicing, referring to kelseys strap as 'dick' and 'cock', lap grinding

ib sw1ftsfilms message

kelsey pushes me onto our bed, kissing down my neck she slips her hands underneath my shirt, "kelsey" i whimper out.

"hm?" she hums against my neck. "please" i moan. "please what baby?"

"i want your dick so bad" i say holding one side of her neck. "oh yeah?" she chuckles against my my jaw. i buck my hips against her because shes teasing me and i want her oh so bad. "you want it that bad huh?" she chuckles again. making my nod my head.

she slips her hand in my shorts, finding her way into my underwear. "so wet" she groans. rubbing circles on my clit and moving down to slip her fingers in my wet cunt. "kelsey.." i moan, tugging on her hair. she curls them back and forth against my walls.

shes leaning against the wall as i tug on her sweatpants waistband, wanting her to take them off. she allows me to take them off along, once i pull them down slightly her 8 inch strap springs out, hitting my chin. i look up at her to see if i can do what i wanna do. her hand goes to the top of my head, combing her fingers through my hair. "get on your knees for me" she says, i get butterflies in my stomach as i do what she says.

"go ahead baby.." she says using her elbows to prop herself up.

i suck on the tip before slowly taking it fully in my mouth. looking up at her while doing so her hand forms a makeshift ponytail in my hair to pull it back.

i pull away and pump my hand up and down, looking into her eyes i suck on it again.

i start to go faster. "good girl.." she says. "yeah just like that.. just like that pretty girl"

i get butterflies in my stomach once again, i pull away for air, a white string of saliva attached to my chin and her strap.

i catch my breath and immediately go for it again. basically sucking like my life depends entirely on it.
"oh fuck!" kelsey moans, the stimulation base seems to be working.

"ohhh" she moans again, throwing her head back, still propped up on her elbows. she sits up, causing me to pull away. i look up at her teary eyed.

"such a pretty girl oh my goodness" heat rises to my cheeks when she says that.

"come here babygirl" she says pulling me onto her lap, my cunt right in front of her dick. i lean in, placing a sloppy kiss on her lips. and grinding on her lap. "i want it so bad" i say against her lips.

"what do you want baby? hm?"

"kelsey" i say in annoyance because she knows exactly what i want. shes just being a tease.

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