flashbacks | kelsey x reader

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wow ella writes something abt kelsey that isnt smut!

warnings: kissing, mentions of adam 😬, my poor baby crying (kelsey AND daniel)

summary: you and kelsey have been dating for 7 months and your obviously helping kelsey with the baby, hes the age he was in the 3rd episode like the last bit when kelsey sees him again

kelseys pov:

daniel was laying on my lap watching tv as y/n went to go get something for me while i stay he started getting sleepy and rubbing his eyes.

i pick him up from under his arms and he nuzzles his face in my neck.

i get up to put him in his crib. i stare at him for a few until i start to notice his features, his hair color, his nose, and his eyelashes. all i see is adam.

i dont want to cry but i hold back my tears. it all came back to me. the way he yelled at me, the way he threatened me and my baby. the way he still called me babe after all he did to me.

i love daniel i really do but im honestly scared about how hes going to look when hes older. i hope he favors me as he grows into his looks.

i shouldnt be having a panic attack about my baby right now. he just looks like him so much.

i slid down me and y/ns bedroom wall. head in my hands, they start to shake.

your pov:

i unlock the door as i hold a bag in my hand, kelsey wanted this candle so i got it for her. i open the door, expecting to see kelsey and daniel on the couch.

"kels im home!" i call out, "kelseyyy?" i drag out the e as i go and look for her. i walk towards our bedroom and open our door. looking to the side and seeing kelsey sitting down and looking up to see me.

"babygirl whats wrong?" i ask setting the bag down and kneeling in front of kelsey. "baby look at me"

"hey, kelsey. " "babe" "baby please answer me."

"whats wrong honey?" i take her hands away from her face. holding them.

"its about adam" she sobs, "what about him honey?"

"i was putting daniel to sleep and- and he had his eyes and his hair and his nose-"

"babygirl.." i gently pull her into my arms. "shh its alright baby. its okay. ive got you baby"

she starts to calm down she lifts her head up from my neck and looks me in the eyes, i use my thumb to wipe her tears and i slightly smile at her.

"you okay baby?" i ask. "mhm" she nods her head. wrapping her arms around my neck. i use my hand to rub circles on her back. she pulls away and i softly place a kiss on her lips.

we pull away. "i love you baby."

"i love you too babe" she hugs me again and i kiss her temple. i start to hear the baby crying. "ill get him babe"

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