Break | bella x reader

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warnings PLEASE READ.: this contains very sensitive topics please read with caution, mentions of past sexual assault/abuse, gentle!bella

please read with caution

its been 4 years since i was sexually assaulted by my stepdad, ive gotten better but it still haunts me. i havent told anybody, like nobody. not even bella.

bella and me are lying on our bed watching tv, they adjust their position and their now lying in between my legs, . everytime something touches down there i think about it. today was different, it actually affected me.

i feel bellas head rest against my genital area, i know they didnt mean anything by it, but it caught me by surprise.

i flinch and bella looks up. "whats wrong baby?" they ask, noticing my breathing has become faster. "baby whats wrong.."

i try to speak but my tears come rushing down. "did i do something? baby talk to me, whats wrong?"

"bella-" i try to say. "take your time baby.. breathe.. your okay.." i wrap my arms around their neck and theirs go around my waist.

"your okay baby.. your okay.." they run their palm up and down my back. i pull away and look bella in the eyes. "can you tell me whats wrong love?" they ask.

"you wont think of me any different if i tell you right..?" i ask. "of course not darling"

"okay.. when i was 15 my step dad- uhm.. would touch me in certain places, and would uhm... i guess sexually abuse me... and feeling hard movement down there triggers me a bit." i explain, i see tears form in bellas eyes.

"baby im so sorry.." i lean in to hug them, placing my head against their shoulder. they carefully kiss my temple. "i love you y/n. im so sorry that happened to you. you didnt deserve that." they say.

"its okay bella.." i mumble into their neck. "i love you so much. and im so proud of you, you deserve so much better y/n." they say. i climb on their lap, sitting sideways while they have their arms around my waist.

every since then, bella has become way more protective. they always ask if im okay. having their hand on me 24/7 while were out in public. constantly telling me how proud they are of me. always whispering sweet nothings while were cuddling.

i dont know what i did to deserve them. their so gentle and sweet to me. i love them so deeply.

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