sweet | b.r

244 8 4

"its so sweet, knowing that you love me."

tw: mentions of puking, crying, mentions of eating


when im on my period i get very sick. like very sick. headaches, intense nausea and i throw up every 7 hours and bellas taking care of me.

im currently lying on them while my face in their neck. they have their hand up the back of my shirt rubbing circles on my lower back.

i place my hand on the side of their neck. "do you need anything baby?" they ask me gently. "im alright.." i say softly into their neck.

they move their hand up to the middle of my back and move it up and down. "im sorry your feeling like this baby"

i reach behind me and move their hand back down to my lower back. "bella it hurts so bad.." i whine. "i know babygirl i know" "how about you try and sleep alright?" bella says. i nod and relax my eyes, calming down and slowly falling asleep.

when i woke up 4 hours later bella wasnt in sight.
i feel around the bed for my phone and i finally find it. turning it on and looking at the time.

8:39 PM

i will not be sleeping tonight. i think to myself. suddenly bella enters the room. "hi sweet girl" they smile. i smile back they sit down on the edge of the bed. reaching over and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"are you gonna be able to sleep tonight?" they ask. "i dunno" i say softly.

"are you hungry?" they ask concerned. i shake my head no. "can you cuddle me again.?" i ask. they smile "mhm" they lie down and open their arms for me to lie in.

once i lie my head on their chest they close their arms. wrapping them around me and softly kissing my head.

"i love you"

"i love you too bells."

Pictures Of You - Bella Ramsey OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now