parents | kelsey x reader

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eden is 3 and you guys are 22

warnings: none


its 10pm, i just got back from hanging out with friends and i come home too a dark house, the only thing that can be heard is from my room which is a childrens show and giggling.

i smile and walk into the room. i see kelsey and eden on the bed, kelsey is tickling her which is making her have a giggle fit. from the angle that their both in makes it unable for them too see the door. the light from the tv and lamp illuminates the two.

kelsey turns around because she heard me. getting up from the bed she walks over towards me and places her hands on my waist giving me one small kiss, pulling away and giving me another. i wrap my arms around her waist and hug her. extremely tired. i pull away and say "im going to get ready for bed i am so so tired"

"okay" she says with a smile and kisses me again before fully pulling away and sitting on the bed with eden.

i walk into the bathroom and take a shower. stepping out i walk into my room and see that the tv is shut off, and the only thing on is the lamp. eden is on top of kelsey sleeping, kelseys also sleeping. she has the white comforter over the both of them and edens head is in kelseys neck.

i quickly get dressed and get into bed. i turn off the lamp and i cuddle into kelseys waist my head resting in between her arm.

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