i know its for the better | kelsey x reader

482 18 25

warnings; angst, cursing

request by: nevaehhasyourheart

waiting room - phoebe bridgers

kelseys pov:

y/n is visiting me today. me and y/n have been dating for three years. my best friend adam was supposed to visit me today but he said he couldnt. which is totally fine. but its just. i cant look at y/n. i still love her entirely but i fucked up. really bad. i kept telling her and telling her i was gonna quit but then i always relapsed. which led me to being arrested. y/n is understanding but i can tell deep down shes upset at me.

i sit in the chair. waiting for y/n. as i wait for a bit i finally see y/n walking over to me. i smile at her softly. she kisses me. i know she still loves me because she reminds me everytime were on the phone.

she pulls away.

i try to make eye contact with her but i just cant. she looks at me with pure admiration and i cant even look at her myself. i love y/n alot. im just so mad at myself i let this happen.

"kelsey?" she says. getting my attention. "sorry" i say, getting out my transe.

she begins to talk again, "y/n i cant." i blurt out. "what?" she looks at me puzzled. "im sorry y/n i love you. so much but i just cant." i say.

"what cant you do baby talk to me.." she asks. "i cant look at you without feeling ashamed of myself. it isnt your fault y/n. i love you. but i cant countine to look at you and think about how i made you feel."

i see her eyes tear up. "kelsey please dont do this i love you so much." she says. "im sorry y/n." i say.

"kelsey stop." she says. i stand up, ready to walk out. until she grabs my hand. i turn around. "i cant fucking do this without you kelsey please dont." she says. i bite my lip.

"im sorry y/n." i let go of her hand. walking out.

y/ns pov:

i cant process this. ever since i met kelsey shes been my light. i fucking love her.

i know its for the better


that actually sucked dick im sorry

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