missed you | b.r

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tw: smut, strap use (backshot and normal), fingering, head/receiving, mentions of eating food


bella has been filming in canada for the past month, i miss them so much. thankfully they come home today, bit itd gonna be super late when they do, like maybe 12am.

im currently texting bella about them coming back.

my love 💞



when are you leaving?

soon baby, im at the airport i got here at 11 and the flights supposed to leave in an hour.

okay. i miss you and i love you, be safe baby.

i miss you too, i love you too xx
*reacted to a message with a ❤️*


im anxiously waiting at the door for bella, they took a cab home so i "didnt have to worry about anything"

skipper is also going to be thrilled because she went with bella to canada like she always does. bella jokes about how skipper is our child.

my love 💞

im almost there baby, skipper is very excited to see you x :)


as i sent that text i heard a knock on our apartment door. i quickly get up and run over to the door, unlocking it and opening it up.

"bella!" i wrap my arms around their neck, they wrap their one unoccupied arm around my waist, their hand trailing down to my lower back. "hey baby" they say in a soft voice as they smile. i pull away and grab bellas hand. pulling them inside.

"finally. i get to see my actual girlfriend." bella rolls their eyes, i giggle. "i missed you soooo much" they say as they rub circles on my lower back, softly kissing my lips.

i kiss them back, bella pulls away to set skippers carrier on the floor and lets go of their suitcases handle, allowing them to properly kiss me, putting their hands on my hips and kissing me gently. they begin to rub circles on my hips with their thumbs but then get rougher with the kissing. i pull away.

"later, i promise" i smile. placing my hand on their neck while kissing their cheek softly.

"are you not hungry baby?" i ask. "a little bit." they reply. "what do you want?"

they smirk. "bella!" i playfully slap their arm gently. they giggle. "alright, be for real. what do you want"

"ill make you something"

around an hour later bella settled in, and ate. we were watching tv in our bedroom. some show bella likes called.

im starting to get bored. im actually playing around with skipper and this toy she has more than im watching the show.

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