random kelsey headcannons (prison and not)

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out of prison:

- she has ur name tattooed 100% its on her inner thigh
- she loves cuddling you so much
- kisses you 60 times a day (not exaggerating)
- she gives you small pecks throughout the day
"hi baby" gently kisses your lips.

- buys you literally whatever you want
*looking at jewelry and you click on one*
"do you want that?"
"a little bit but i dont want waste my money"
"ill buy it for u"
"no kelsey its ok"
"u sure?"
goes online later finds it and buys it for you
she loves spoiling you
another example you guys were shopping and you came across this undergarment set, it was black lace and the base was dark red.
"do you want that?"
"i dont know.. its really cute bu-"
"ill buy it for you"
"noo its okay"
"no baby its gonna be a favor for both of us trusttt"

in prison:
- sooooooooo protective especially since theres like 6 other lesbians there that she for sure doesnt trust at all she has her hand on you anytime she can.

- she doesnt like to be super affectionate and lovey in front of the others but in private she's literally a baby

- sometimes when you stand in front of her she'll put one of her hands on your waist

- she doesnt wanna be THAT type of couple but she actually loves you so so so so so much she just doesn't express it in front of others.

- play fights with you all the time. super gently though cause she doesn't actually want you to get hurt.

- another thing like that, if she found out one of the other lesbian/bi/pansexual girls even laid a finger on you in a flirty way shes fucking them UPPPPPP

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