"trust me" kelsey x reader

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you guys are 21 years old!!
this is kind of short im sorry

me and kelsey at an outdoor mall and we are walking around victoria's secret and im looking at bras, "baby you should get this" she says picking up a lacy bra. God she lovesss when i wear lace.

"hm maybe" i say and her face literally lights up. i grab her hand and pull her over to the lingerie section, i dont actually want to buy anything i just wanna see what she does.

"this is pretty" i say looking at the price tag of a black set. "ill get it for you" she says with zero hesitation.
"no baby its okay" i say putting it back.

"pleaseeee let me get it for you" she says. "are you sure?" i ask.

"mhm" she says already walking back over there.
"fine" i say and her face lights up again.

she pays for it and we walk out, "can we go home now pleaseee" she begs

"fine but only because i know whats gonna happen"
i say and she smiles and grabs my hand as we walk back to the car.

she definitely had fun that night...

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