needy | kelsey x reader

449 7 10

paring; dom!masc!reader x sub!fem!kelsey

warnings: strap sucking, 🐱 eating, hair pulling, praise, barely any foreplay


i sit on the edge of her bed while she sits horizontally on my lap, i hold my hand on her left hip, she has her arms around my neck.

i slip my hand underneath her shirt, now gripping her bare waist. "y/n" she whimpers as she feels the cold touch and the chilly air hit her waist.

i feel her softly moving her hips back and forth on my lap, she changes her position to straddle my waist and hold her hands on my face.

"y/n i want it.."

"want what sweetheart?" i ask, running my hands up and down her waist. "cmon y/n you know what i want."

"then use your words and tell me princess." i say, rubbing my thumbs in circles on her hips. "i need you.." she whispers. "want me to take care of you baby?" i ask. "yes.." she replies.


"just like that kels.." i whimper as she sucks on the silicon strap. hearing her whimper and her siliva swish in her mouth after each suck makes me get butterflies.

i grab her let down hair and use the hairtie on my wrist to pull her hair back. "there you go pretty girl. now you can see what a good job your doing." i say. she looks up at me, "good girl.. keep those pretty eyes on me." i mumble.

"i think its time for me to take care of you now baby." i say, combing my fingers through her hair which i took down out of the ponytail.


there she was, legs spread wide in front of me, her clit just begging for stimulation. i kiss her inner thighs, letting her know how much i love her before i devour her cunt.

"my pretty girl." i say, kissing her clit and licking up and down on her pussy. "oh-! y/n!" she moans. a small smile softly appears on my face against her cunt. i bob my head up and down on her pussy. wanting as much stimulation as i can to make her feel good.

i wrap my arms around her thighs, trying to get closer to her pussy. i reach one of my arms up to hold her hand. her back lifts from off the bed and arches. legs shaking in the moment aswell. she throws her head back as i continue to suck on her clit.

"y/n ugh-" she moans. "ohHh-" her voice cracks. "mmmfuck..!"

i adjust my position so i can stick my fingers into her cunt. curling them against her walls, wanting her to come all over my fingers. in which she does. while she comes she moans louder.

"did such a good job for me princess.." i say. getting up to walk to my small bathroom, getting a damp washcloth to clean her previous orgasm.

as im cleaning her up the washcloth brushing past her clit makes her legs twitch, i lean down to kiss her, letting her know that shes okay and i love her.


kelsey is now passed out on my chest, very soft snores coming from her mouth. i run my hand up and down her back. soothing her into a deeper sleep. slowly falling into one myself.

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