whos she? | kelsey x reader

334 5 14

warnings: cussing

a/n: daniel is the same age he was in the end of the third episode. (2 years)


me and kelsey have been dating for a while, we both got out of prison the same day because we both were in there for drugs and served the same time.

while kelseys at work at the beauty salon she works at im watching daniel. i work too but i only have night shifts so ill be able to watch daniel while kelseys at work and kelsey will be able to watch daniel while im at work.

since me and kelsey are dating and adam isn't necessarily in his life daniel calls me mama. one because im doing a much better job in the father position than adam would, second kelsey usually refers to me as mama when talking to daniel about me.

as me and daniel are sitting on the couch watching tv i hear a knock on the door, i pick daniel up off my lap.

i walk over to the door and open it, only to be met with adam. "what the fuck are you doing here?" i ask. "who are you?" he asks. "kelseys girlfriend?" i say.

he scoffs, probably mad at the fact that shes gay. "can i talk to kelsey?" he asks. "shes at work. what do you want?" i say.

"i want to talk to her."

"well you cant yeah? so tell me what you want or go the fuck away." i say, a bit more sternly. i feel something touch my leg. daniels holding onto it.

"is this daniel?" he asks. "no i got kelsey pregnant again. this is the child." i say, tired of this shit. daniel walks away after looking at adam. its almost like he knew? it made me giggle a bit when i went back inside.

"okay so when will kelsey be back?" he asks. "not till 5. i mean i can give you her number?" i say. "thats fine." i dont even know why this prick wants to talk to kelsey anyways.

"yeah its +44 3836 746382" i tell him.

"thanks." she says. "yeah whatever" i shut the door. turning around to be met with daniel. whos wanting to be picked up. its almost time for his nap. i pick him up and sit back down on the couch. he rests comfortably on my chest and falls asleep.

he just woke up and needs to be fed so i went to the kitchen and got his formula and mixed it up. screwing the lid back on and walking into the living room to give it too him. "here you go sweetheart" i say, giving it too him. hes actually very good at holding his own bottle.

when he finished it i took it back into the kitchen to wash the bottle. i hear the front door opening, knowing who it was i quickly rushed into the living room to see them.

as she set her bag down i quickly kissed her, placing my hands on her waist. i pull away. "hi baby" she says. "hi" i reply smiling.

daniel hugs her legs, wanting to be picked up. "hi sweetheart" she says, picking him up, "hey kelsey i need to talk to you about something" i say.

"whats wrong?" she says, concern written all over her face. i walk into the room, kelsey following behind me and setting the baby down in his crib.

"whats wrong?" she asks again, stepping closer to me looking up at me slightly. "okay so.. adam came by today. i dont know why." i explain. her eyes soften. "wh-what?" she stutters. "what did he say babe?" she asks. "he said he wants to talk to you.. and i gave him your number."

"what??" she says. "im sorry kelsey i wasnt even thinking im sorry-"

"its okay." she says and her phone starts ringing in her pocket. she takes it out and answers.

"hi whos this?" she says. "hi kelsey." she rolls her eyes. "what do you want adam?"

"your gay now?" he asks. "yeah. i still like men thou- what do you want?"

"why? you could've stayed with me and i couldve gave you so much more." he says. "the only thing i needed from you was to stay present in our sons life and you couldnt even do that." she says and he scoffs.

"whatever. just know that i couldve gave you whatever you wanted."

"clearly you failed to show me that. y/n already does that." she says and hangs up.

"im so sorry kelsey." i say. "for what?" she says, picking daniel back up. "i dont know its just a shouldnt have gave him your number." i say.

"thats okay babe. its already done and over with" she says, pecking my lips, after she pulled away she stayed there looking at me for a bit, inching from my lips. "kelsey he tried to talk to daniel"

"what?" "daniel came up to me while he was at the door and he tried talking to him." i explain. i fully pulls away, blank expression on her face. "im sorry kelsey-"

"its not your fault baby." she says. taking daniel out his crib. "lets go to bed yeah?" she says, placing daniel in the middle of the bed. putting the covers over his body and walking off to get changed into pajamas.

i can tell kelsey was upset at me. the way she pulled away with such a blank expression on her face? yeah. she was definitely mad.

after she got changed she sat down in bed, reaching over daniel to place another long kiss on my lips. "i love you." she whispers before she lays down, her hand draped across daniels stomach in a protective manner.

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