meeting their family

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- their sister was very nice
- their parents liked you alot
- "when are we getting grandchildren?" (idk if british people call grandchildren something different LMAO)
- "mom we are 19."

Kelsey (yall are 16 in this one):
- it actually wasnt even planned, you came over to hang out and they where there
- her parents arent that good of parents so she was trying to pull you into her room, which you wanted to go there but her parents insisted too meet you
- her mom is fake.
(im gonna make an imagine out of this because it'd explain it better)

Ellie (pretend anna and joel are together and the apocalypse don't exist):

- you and ellie have basic been friends your whole life, i mean the 14 years of life yall have had but..
- they love you

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