pretty girl | bella x reader

535 11 12

warnings: kissing, petnames


bella has called me alot of things, such as babe, baby, honey, love, darling, the list goes on. but one that really stuck out to me is pretty girl. i love it so much.

whenever bella gets home from working she always greets me with "hi pretty girl" its the best thing ever.

im sitting on the couch watching television as i wait for bella to get back home from work. they did a few interviews with nick nunn who played bellas characters boyfriend, honestly hes a cool dude. i never really got jealous while being on set with bella, ive seen them kiss. it wwsnt that bad. i fell like because it was with a guy it hurt much less because im fully aware bellas into girls.

i hear keys jingling in the door as i get up to go open it for bella. i twist the door knob and am met with bellas face which lights up when they saw me.

"hi pretty girl" they say smiling. "hi baby" i drag out the e, kissing them softly and pulling away to let them inside.

"you alright?" i ask sitting on the sofa beside them. "yeah, i just did a few interviews with nick then i went to see amybeth and kiki." i give bella a concerned look. "she wasnt there baby. its alright." my expression softens and bella pulls me on her lap in which i squeal at the sudden touch.

"your hands are so cold bella" i whine softly because their placed on my bare waist. "i dont control the weather darling"

"bella their really cold" i groan and she chuckles, taking them off my waist. i scoot down and put my face in her neck. "you tired baby?" i nod. "its only 7"

"i know, but im sleepy"

"ah alright, you wanna go to bed early?" i nod my head again. "alright well come with me and we can get ready for bed yeah?"

i stand up not wanting to leave bellas touch. "i miss you bella"

"im right here??" "but your not close enough"

"oh my goodness love" bella says. standing up and taking my hand. pulling me into our bathroom. "sit" they say referring to the counter. "why" i ask. "because im gonna help you get ready for bed of course."

"oh bella you dont have to do tha-" "its okay, i want to"

"where are your makeup wipes pretty girl?" she asks. "funny joke bella i dont have makeup on."

"damnnnn" they say, placing their hands on my waist and giving me a kiss on the lips, trailing down to my neck. "not tonight honey" i say. she pulls away, nodding softly in agreement. walking to the closet to get our toothbrushes. "here you go" bella says. handing over my toothbrush. "thank you" i say

once we were done bella picked me up. i wrap my legs around their torso and my arms around their neck.

they very gently place me on the bed. bellas very caring towards me, even though im 20 years old and very capable of doing my own things they always make sure they are giving me the best treatment. i love them so much.

me and bella are in bed cuddling, im hugging their waist with my head in their neck. under a bunch of blankets. "i love you princess"

"i love you too baby"

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