kelsey ***

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backstory: you guys arent in prison anymore, like 5 momths since yall got out yay 🎉

chelsea i know your on here reading pedro imagines if you see this in your notifications NO YOU DO NOT!!! 😭

warnings: vaping, sex, thigh riding, strap, head receiving,
ages: both 21
your pov:

kelsey picks me up and sets me on the kitchen counter, both hands still on my waist. she smashes her lips into mine. hands sliding up my shirt. "kelsey please" i say desperately, "please what princess?" she says knowing exactly what i want. "touch me, i dont care where just please touch me." i say reconnect our lip as she lets out a small laugh into the kiss replacing her hand on my face.

she pulls away and starts rubbing me through my underwear. she picks me up by my waist and i wrap my legs around her torso.

she lays me down on the bed her hand grabbing my thigh. she reaches over to her nightstand and picks up a vape pen, taking a hit and throwing it too the side. she then effortlessly exhales the smoke in my face, god its so hot when she does that.

she sit down next too me on the bed and pats her lap for me to sit on it. i straddle her, my clothed vagina on her leg. she places her hands on my hips and rocks me slowly back and forth. i moan her name multiple times as i throw my head back.

"God your so fucking beautiful." she says. she gives me genuine praises, which is etiher on my appearance or how hot i am riding her thigh.

"im gonna cum im gon- fuck" i moan out loudly. "such a good girl." she says picking me up off her leg. kissing me.

she lays me on the bed and leans back down and kisses me once more, then she walks over too my dresser and pulls out a solid black strap. around 8 and a half inches. she puts it on and walks over towards me. and rubs the tip against my clothed pussy. pulling away and taking my underwear off consequently, putting one of my legs over her shoulder. "you okay?"
she asks, gliding her hand up and down my calf.

"mhm" i hum. "alright you ready princess?" she asks. "mhm" i hum again nodded my head. her smiling at me.

kelseys pov:

i know im about to fuck her literal brains out but god shes so beautiful, her eyes, her hair. everything about her makes my knees give out. not actually, but sometimes i feel them get weak when i see her.

i rub the tip of the strap on her wet vagina, making circles on her clit. i insert the tip into her entrance and she lets out a small moan, and slowly insert the whole thing and shes already moaning asking for more. i began to thrust in and out placing her other leg on my shoulder and pulling her closer, thrusting faster, actually pounding the silicone dick into her now wet pussy.

"fuCck kelSEY oh my GOD" her words slip up and i see tears forming in her eyes. i start to slow down and hear mine and her heavy breaths.

"you did so good for me baby" i say to her and smile. she smiles softly back as sweat beads fall onto her forehead.

"now," i say as get on my knees, her legs still on my shoulders. i lean into her vagina and start to lick circles onto her throbbing clit, i feel her hand attach too my head, rubbing my scalp softly. "baby fuck.." "oh my god" "oh fuck!" she moans out.

around 10 minutes later she cums and finishes. i pull away and stand up. "how was that?" i ask her, already knowing the answer. "very good." she says with a smile on her face. i lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips.

your pov:

i love how soft kelsey gets after sex, shes only really nice too me, i place my hand on her face, kissing her back. it lasted for about 5 seconds then we pulled away. "i love you soo much" she says and i say the same.

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