stupid in love | bella x reader

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request by: sw1ftsfilms

a/n: so im going to change things up a little about the shows scenes. so basically kelsey and ayla (you character) have extreme romantic tension between eachother.


im on set for TIME right now, messing around with my co-star, bella as we always do until its time for our next scenes.

a video of bella went around were i scared them when they were coming out of their trailer. thats what we do everyday.

"hey y/n" i hear bella call out after they had gotten done with a scene with nick. "bella!" i say happily.

"heyy" they say in a horrible american accent, making me giggle. me and bella share alot of scenes together matter in fact, we have one in around 10 minutes. but im scared because this is the scene where our charaters, Kelsey and Ayla have extremely romantic tension.

i look at bella blushingly, considering their in their kelsey costume and they look insanely attractive. "hm?" they hum

"nothing!" i say looking away. "bella, y/n we need you guys" the director says, we get up. walking towards them.

"y/n i need you standing in front of kelseys bed and bella i need you to be sitting down on your bed and leaning against the wall." the director, lewis says. me and bella get in our told spots.

a few minutes later, after studying our lines and memorizing our actions, he yells action.

"why did you do that kelsey?" i shout.

"i dont know.. i didnt think it would go that far-"

"you fucking punched her!" i yell. "i know but she was talking about you and-"

"why do you care about me so much?"

they stay silent. they stand up in front of me, face inching closer and closer. they were about to kiss me but then they didnt, still staying in place, lips in front of my lips. still in character

they pull away. kelsey walks out of the cell and thats were the director yells cut. "great job guys." he says. "thank you" we say in sync looking at eachother and giggling.

bellas pov:

me and nick are in my trailer, y/n was doing a scene with tamara and jodie while me and nick were going over our next scene. oh great. theres another kissing scene.

its not that i dont like the dude, but we have so many godamn kissing scenes its insane, i feel like im turning straight or something.

we finish up with the practicing part and nick leaves my trailer to go do his next scene, as nick walks out
y/n walks in. i open my arms in which she sits down on my couch and leans into. wrapping her arms around me.

y/ns pov:

"how did it go?" they ask. "it went well. lots and lots of retakes but the last one was really good."

"good" they say pulling me closer to them.

i look up at them and see blush on their cheeks. i lean up and place a small kiss on their cheek. "anyways i have to go uh uhm do something ill be back bab- i mean bella!!"

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