blush | bella x reader

310 8 13

warnings: making out, NO smut


kisses fill the room as me and bella continue to makeout. im straddled on their lap. arms around their neck and theirs on my waist, gripping at my flesh when they get needy.

they softly groan against my lips. "bella.." i whimper against theirs. they guide my hips, moving them back and forth.

their hands slip under my shirt, their cold rings making me get chills. their hands now rest on my waist.


i softly moan against their lips. pulling away. bellas face was bright red. "aww baby" i say, rubbing my thumb against their cheek. "y/nnn" they whine.

"do i make you nervous bella?"

"y/nnnnn" they whine even more. "its okay baby" i giggle. they fully wrap their arms around my waist. hugging me closer. i hold one side of their face and kiss the other.

i kiss their cheek, followed by a 'mwah' sound. "i love you" i say in a baby tone. "i love you too" they drag out the O.

i could not ask for anyone else. i love bella. so much.

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