crybaby | bella x reader

365 9 13

warnings: sensitive reader, yelling, arguing, cursing

crybaby - melanie martinez


youve always been sensitive, every little thing made you cry. ever since you were little youve just been a complete crybaby. thats what the kids at school called you anyways.

you, bella and a couple of bellas friends were hanging out. you rested your head on bellas shoulder as they talked with their friend emily.

your pov:

"do you remember that one era you had where you were just obsessed with this one singer- i think her name was like marina" bellas friend asks. i pop my head up, mainly because i know alot about bellas obsession. "oh and you were also obsessed with mac demarco rememb-"

"yeah i do remember my marina phase, i think it was just because i liked her accent." bella cuts me off.

i decide to ignore it and i rest my head on their shoulder again.

later we where all talking, i dont expect to be the center of attention everywhere i go but i feel like i was just invisible to them whole night.

"i think once in primary school i had a crush on this girl-" i start to say, they where all talking about their old crushes and i start to talk about mine after making sure everyones done speaking. another one of bellas friends, amelia. just completely talks over me. i bite my lip and sit back. holding back the tears that where about to form.

i fidget with bellas hand thats in my lap, messing with their rings and just examining it. i decide to just tell bella im going to go to the bathroom. not telling them its because im about to start crying.

"bella ill be right back im gonna go to the bathroom." i say. they dont hear me. they just continue to talk to their friends.

i bite my lip again. almost hard enouught to the point where it draws blood. bella didnt even notice i left.

i stare at the bathroom mirror. wondering why im so unlikeable. i dont think bella loves me anymore.

me and bella are now in the car, driving back home. i decided to just ignore every word bella had said to me, i stare out the window.

"y/n do you hear me?" bella says. "i dont know did you hear me when i tried talking everytime tonight?"

"what?" they ask concerned. "you havent noticed?? bella you and your friends have literally been talking over me all night. everytime i tried talking to them or even you id get shut out like i was fucking invisible!"

bella stays silent. "im sorry." they speak up. "clearly your not sorry because if you were you wouldn't have ignored me all night." i yell.

"do you even love me anymore bella? or is the 5 years weve been together gone to waste?" i yell again through slight tears.

bella pulls into our driveway and i immediately open the car door, slamming it behind me and walking up to the front door, unlocking it.

bella stays in the car for a bit. i dont know why their acting like it was my fault. it wasnt. im confused on how any of this could possibly be on me.

i walk into me and bellas room, setting my small bag down and slipping off my tennis shoes. quickly pulling my jeans off and taking my shirt off. putting on a pair of my sweats and getting in bed.

i hear the front door open. it obviously being bella i turn around to not be facing the door.

"im sorry y/n" i hear from the bedroom door. "no your not." i say getting out bed and facing bella.

"because if you were sorry you wouldve listened to me, you wouldve actually talked to me and wouldnt have basically avoided me the whole fucking night."

"i wasnt avoiding you. there was so many people talking at once im sorry that i made a minor mistake."

"it wasnt a minor mistake bella. you always do this its like im nobody to you when your around your friends. you act like im just some random stranger."

"no i dont! if i knew you where talking to me i wouldve listened. i do love you y/n. i promise."

"just leave me alone for a bit okay.?" i say. walk straight past them.

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