comfort | bella x reader

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requested by sw1ftsfilms


bellas pov:

as y/n peacefully sleeps next to me i scroll on my phone, scrolling through threads to be exact until i get a article about the last of us HBO, i open the up section to be met with all different kinds of comments. someone were talking about how i was a good actor and they definitely picked the right person to portray ellie but some were bad. i made a promise to myself and to y/n that i wouldnt read hate comments but i let it get to me. one was even a hatepage. who seriously has the time to create a page for someone they hate.

as i endlessly scroll i feel my eyes swell with tears, some talking about my phsyical appearance, my sexuality and identity, some even talked about my relationship with y/n.

i try to not let others get in my way but it hit different than all the other times. i carefully place my phone down on my nightstand, turning away from y/n just incase she wakes up.

i just wanted for people to stop being so rude to me. i try to ignore it but i cant.

my girlfriend says that she thinks im beautiful and that other people are just jealous that their not making millions. i think that some people are just so upset with themselves that they take it out on others. y/n helps me when i feel like this but shes sleeping now. i dont wanna wake her because thatd be extremely rude to wake someone else up to have them deal with your issues. but i just needed her comfort right now. i needed her arms to be around me telling me everythings okay and that she loves me.

i continue to stay quiet, tears falling from my eyes.

"bella?" i hear a soft voice say. my heart drops as i hear my girlfriend speaking. "are you crying?" i stay silent. "baby" she says again. i sit up and immediately collapse in her arms, her warmth and scent soothing me. "hey baby what happened" her sweet soft voice says.

she gently rubs circles on my back. "its okay... its okay my love.." she says softly

y/ns pov:

when i woke up to go to the bathroom i noticed bella was crying next to me. i thought they were asleep. im not sure what their crying about but its got me nervous. "baby can you tell me whats wrong?" i rub small circles in the middle of their back.

they lift their head up. i concerningly look into their eyes, i bring my hand up to their face and wipe the tear away from their cheek with my thumb.

"i know i promised you that i wouldnt look at them again im sorry y/n" they say through tears. "hey its okay baby... its alright.."

"why are they so mean babe" they say softly. "i dont know baby." they say placing their head against my chest again

"im so sorry honey." i gently stroke their hair, soothing them.

"lets go to sleep alright? cmon baby" i slowly lie down, causing bella to go down to because they were holding onto me. they put their face in my neck. i slowly calm them down. "ive got you baby" i softly say to them. i whisper sweet nothings such as

"your beautiful" "i love you" "your so handsome and pretty" stuff like that. i did this until the fell asleep, which as rather quick.

bella can be a very sensitive person, i try my best to soothe them and comfort them when they need it. bella is literally my whole world, i would rather step a foot into hell than see them cry for hours about shitty people who arent even worthy of being acknowledged. i love bella, so so much.

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