lipstick kisses | kelsey x reader

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As I got closer out the shower, drying off my hair and throwing it into a messy bun that didn't look so messy, I put on some red lipstick, nothing else. One that would smudge and one that would leave marks but not stain. it was to show my love for someone visually.
I had a plan.
I finish putting on my pyjamas before I burst into me and Kelsey's bedroom, well, Kelsey's bedroom. We would've moved in together if it wasn't for her stupid mom and step father Tamara and Derick.

Fucking hate them.

Kelsey was lying on her blue blanket covered bed, propped up against the headboard with her phone discarded on a pillow beside her, most likely because I took too long in the shower. She was smiling at me with her arms onen inviting me to bask myself in in them- in her.

1 plop down on the bed beside her before scooting a bit so I can lie against Kelsey, arms wrapped around her waist with my head on her stomach. She has her thumb rubbing over my head soothingly before she leans forward, kissing my forehead, causing blood to rush behind my face.
"Why do you have lipstick on cutie?" Kelsey asks, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, eyes locked on me. I just giggle in an evilish-cute-it-doesn't-matter-because-I-love-you way before I start kissing all over Kelsey's face, leaving marks of red lips across her face.
If she was the canvas I could be the painter.
Kelsey's mouth was agape yet she loved every second of this.
Her hands were placed on my hips, rubbing her thumbs back and forth as I straddled her.

I then kissed the corner of her mouth, teasing her enough just to hate me for no more than a millisecond.
1 start moving down her body, kissing her neck then down to her stomach where I kiss a heart around the centre of her belly. A beautiful masterpiece if you will.
A way to show my love visually but funny.
"Why would you do this to me?"
Kelsey fake pouts even though it's very obvious she'd like me to continue, probably because she'd do stupid shit like turning the belly kisses into a tattoo.
How could people tell me Kelsey wasn't loveable material, that she was dangerous and I shouldn't be around her? She could never be so dangerous like they say because if she was, why was it so easy to turn to her, to trust her with my life, to love her?

so dangerous like they say because if she was, why was it so easy to turn to her, to trust her with my life, to love her?
"Because I love you." I smile, squishing her cheeks.
5 minutes later, Kelsey comes out the shower in a crop top pyjama top and pyjama pants, the lipstick heart on her belly still there like it wasn't even touched.
"Why didn't you wash them off?" I ask, pointing to her belly.
"Because I wanna get them tattooed." She smiles before running over to the bed, cuddling me. "God I love you." I whisper.

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